♡new year♡ 10 ♡resolutions♡

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So the new year is here...

Also I updated earlier than I said I would...

But shush.

Are you complaining?

Yeah no.

I wouldn't.


Okay so Hmmmm...

Guess what it is time for?!


Well um I mean as you can tell by the title.

Also, if you aren't into new year resolutions. That's okay. You can skip this.

This could also be very helpful either way whether it is a new year or not.

Writing your goals down can really help you achieve them.

In fact writing them down daily you become 42% more likely to achieve it.

So why does writing your goals down on a daily basis help?


you know how there is two sides of your brain?

The literal and the imaginative.

Those two sides to put it simply from the article I am referring this from makes electrical signals and makes contact.

These signals then go communicate though out the body towards the consciousness ' that operates within us to transform our thoughts into reality.'

This is important because just thinking about these goals of dreams you're only using the right side of your brain.

So, if you write it down you tap into the other side of your brain which is the the more logical side.

So basically when you write your goals daily you are sending yourself a signal that you mean these goals and dreams.

Guess it's time to really make a goal of writing those goals down huh?

Here's a experiment:

For the next seven days every morning write goals and dreams in 5 areas of your life.

1. Health

2. Relationships

3. Love

4. Career

5. Time

6. Money

7. Freedom (I added this)

Write down what you truly LOVE no matter how bold.

2 things will happen when you do this:

1. You will reach a new level of clarity around your goals and dreams.

2. The exercise shifts what you tend to focus on though out the day, your awareness about opportunities right in front of you.

If you want more details you can check out the article here:


(This is where I referred and got most the information from.)

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