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She had no idea how long it had been since the last tear left her body when Gigi found herself staring at the metal door mindlessly. It suddenly opened, making the ginger-haired woman squirm and almost jump off in surprise. She bowed her head down, to conceal her swollen red eyes to whoever entered the room. She had no energy left on her body as her mind tried its best to stop the gunshots that kept ringing in her ears.

The woman felt cold fingers holding onto her chin before lifting it up, meeting with the eyes of her boss. She couldn't look at him straight in the eyes and so her gaze focused on the bloody t-shirt he was wearing, her eyes welling up once again.

"You're done here, you can go home." Sanchez's low voice was heard but Gigi couldn't focus. She could just feel her boss untying the rope wrapped around her wrists, setting her free but she stayed frozen, she couldn't bring herself to stand up or leave that place without knowing how Crystal was or if she was still even alive.

"What do you mean?" the ginger-haired woman asked with her voice cracking after all the crying, the taste of salty tears still on her lips.

The tall, dark skinned guy turned around, facing the fragile looking girl, "You said you wanted out, didn't you? I got my payback, you're free now."

Gigi furrowed her eyebrows as she rubbed her marked wrists, feeling like she could still feel the ropes on them, "Payback? For what?"

Sanchez let out a deep, low chuckle, "For falling in love with the enemy."

Finally, Gigi's eyes met his, unable to say anything back. He knew, he finally knew and it meant the end of the world for her. She glanced at him with pleading looks for a second before dropping her head low, her whole body feeling numb as she tried to gather some energy to deny although she knew it was pointless now.

The ginger-haired woman saw Sanchez walking out of the room. He took one last look at Gigi who he knew was going to ask something. However, the woman couldn't bring herself to talk as words couldn't come out of her throat. She wanted to ask about the brunette but she knew herself was too weak to do so.

"She's been dealt with." Sanchez stated with his cold voice before exiting the room, leaving Gigi stunned with tears streaming down her cheeks.

It had been weeks since Gigi last stepped in the office and was set free from all the mess her job entailed. She was finally out, like how she had always dreamed. However, she couldn't celebrate when she knew she couldn't achieve the rest of her dreams without the one person who made her dream again.

It was a day before her flight and the ginger-haired woman decided to visit the place she had been avoiding for weeks. She had been wanting to visit, to check everything but she knew how painful it would be to enter the house once owned by the person she considered as her home. But that day, she finally gained the courage to go, to walk inside her house one last time before she finally left everything behind.

Gigi was only planning to get some of the clothes and books she left in the brunette's place and was only thinking of staying for a short while. She was already standing in front of her door when she couldn't bring herself to turn the knob, to feel the emptiness of the once full and happy home. In her mind, she would expect Crystal to be standing at the other side of the door, to be cooking for her or wearing her favourite shirt that she used when she was inspired to paint. She wanted to see her on the other side even though she knew how impossible that might be.

Once inside, she ran off to the kitchen and opened herself a bottle of wine, the only companion she had for the last few weeks. It was the only remedy she had from all the pain she had been suppressing after the last day she entered her office building, the last day she saw the brunette. She easily downed one bottle while she sat on the countertop, her mind unconsciously bringing back all the memories they had shared in that exact same room. Half of Gigi's mind wanted to block off all the thoughts that had been recurring in her head, that half which made her reach for another bottle and drink it with ease.

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