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tw // death and suicidal thoughts (sorta)

The woman was still on the same spot, her limbs numb with the amount of time she spent tied when the girl with the French accent she first saw a few minutes ago pushed Emma into the room. Everyone but her turned to them, not expecting to see the two of them back so soon. The French girl pushed the shorter one to the wall, taking out the small glock she had on her body to keep her in her place. Emma raised her hands in defense, her eyes growing with fear.

"That wasn't the mission I asked you about," Nicky stated with her calm voice and the curly brunette looked up finally to watch the scene before her. She caught how afraid Emma now looked, "That wasn't yours. You aren't supposed to know about that one, so I would like to hear you explain."

"I- I heard from-" she started stumbling as Sanchez took a step in to stand right beside his worker.

Nicky turned to him in sync with Emma's pleading eyes as he kept his eyes on the shorter woman, "The Alyssa mission, remember?" she asked her boss and he nodded in silence. "She wasn't involved in that one and yet she knew."

"Explain!" he growled and Emma jumped in her place.

"I'm not the one to be interrogated here! Why don't you ask Crystal about Joseph instead? Getting her to talk about her boss seems more important than this silly, little interrogation game Nicky has got going on." She tried to defend herself with everything she could at the last second. Hearing the name made Crystal sit up, her eyebrows knitted together with confusion reading on her face. The brunette stared at the scene before her, the pieces finally clicking together in her mind. It all made sense to her, all the details and stories Emma shared earlier that she wasn't supposed to know.

"How did you know about Jo-" Nicky was cut off when Sanchez reached for the small gun in her hand, the black metal almost disappearing in his big, dark hand.

Crystal's trembling knees distracted her from the last conversation between the people around her, the fear of the sight of the gun blocking her from registering every information that happened in the span of seconds. It all happened too fast, the brunette woman closed her eyes shut right before the finger on the trigger pulled back once, the hammer's sound resonated again and it pulled for one more time, the voice echoing in the room and seeping through no matter how sound proof it was. Her whole body continued to tremble as the sound of a petite body falling followed, tears streaming down her cheeks freely finally.

She kept her eyes closed as she quietly sobbed until she heard the tall man stepping towards her and grabbing her chin to make her look up. She faced the bloody t-shirt first, then the furious look on his face.

"Eric will take you to the airport. You saw nothing here. You will leave and never come back, understood?" Crystal nodded her head quickly. She wasn't sure why he was showing pity now but she was smart enough to take the offer and leave. "I won't be as merciful as Gigi if you ever step back in this country, you know I mean it."

Gigi. The name being mentioned made her worries increase about the girl she last saw being taken away. She wanted to ask about her, she desperately needed to know, but she didn't have the luxury of showing how much she cared about her, not wanting to risk Gigi furthermore as she revealed their relationship.

"Why are you doing this?" Crystal asked with all the last energy she had left in her body. He let her chin go and Crystal's eyes went back down to his t-shirt, blurring everything else in the room for her.

"You're replaceable, no matter how good you are. I can't stop your team for plagiarism, I can stop you from following my footsteps though." He replied patiently. Crystal kept her mouth shut as the boss walked away and the girl with the accent walked towards her instead.

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