Chapter 9 Uncle Morvo Part 2

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"Wow that was close." said Raymond. "I only just made it inside. What do you think about what your Uncle told you? Did you know anything about the fact that he really does have a memory? Don't you find it a bit strange that he has kept it quiet? Wow this is really getting interesting don't you think?"

Raymond turned around to see Doric sitting in the front seat of the ship.

"Yes ,yes and yes." said Doric. "Look let's just go back tomorrow and talk to him some more and then we can find out what's going on. Anyway I'm hungry after all that. What about you?"

"Oh yeah actually now that you mention it I am" said Raymond.

They both selected a meal from the replicator and sat down. Raymond had the burger and fries and Doric chose the same but with the green sauce he had the last time. They spoke between mouthfuls discussing the connection between Uncle Morvo's "non-existent" memory loss and Tolly's grandmother.

"Not sure we should ask too many questions of Uncle Morvo. I am worried it might lead to more troubles for us. I just want to get this licence over and done with. If I'd known there was going to be this much trouble I would not have done it again."

"I'm sure we will be fine Doric. Let's just find out why your Uncle Morvo is faking the memory loss and then we can decide whether to ignore it and carry on or help him if he wants us to. Anyway I'm really tired so I'm gonna catch some sleep. See you in the morning."

Raymond sat on the seat and pushed the button on the side to make the seat lay flat. He was soon snoring. Doric did the same.

But Raymond's sleep was not restful. He had the same dream as before. Unable to speak or walk to let his mother know that he is alright. His mother was frantically moving around the house looking for him, running from room to room calling his name. Raymond tried hard to speak and finally he yelled. But in the process he woke himself up. He sat bolt upright in the chair. He looked across at Doric. From what Raymond could see he was sleeping soundly. His face was changing colour from orange to red and back again. He was also humming. Raymond decided to have a walk around for a few minutes to clear his head. He walked to the front of the ship and looked around. He walked to the back of the ship where the front door was. The blue light that ran around the floor gave enough light to just see where he was. He walked towards the engine room door. It wooshed aside. He made his way towards the "reality room" then turned around to walk back to the front of the ship. He slid back into the chair and fell asleep again. He slept soundly till the alarm woke them both.

Doric and Raymond ate breakfast while talking about their visit to Morvo. They finished their food. Then Raymond became an "alien" again.

"Well are you ready?" asked Doric.

"Yep let's go. Do I look okay?"

"Yeah looks good. Remember you'll have to hide behind me when we are in reception. Also check your fingernails. They'll turn orange when the disguise is wearing off."

"Yep. Got it."

They walked towards the front door of the rest home with Raymond almost on Doric's heals. Doric talked to the nurse at the front desk and they walked towards Morvo's room. They knocked then opened the door and found Morvo eating something out of a bowl that was purple. He was slurping it and missing his mouth. It left a yellow stain on his lips. He looked up at Doric and Raymond.

"Oh hi boys, good to see you again." Said Morvo.

Raymond and Doric were staring at Morvo.

"Oh sorry for my manners. I have to maintain the persona of someone with no brain almost."

He pulled the purple stained napkin from his shirt front and beckoned them to sit down.

"So how did you end up all the way out here then boy"?

Raymond and Doric looked at each other.

"I think he's talking to you Raymond?" said Doric.

"I was walking home from school. One minute I was reading my comic and then I was on Doric's ship. I've been helping him with his driving test ever since."

"Why didn't you just drop him back where you found him Doric?" asked Morvo.

"I accidently travelled through a worm hole and then I couldn't find it again, but then I found another to get back to our galaxy. Raymond agreed to come along so I can finish this test and then I'll take him back. So if you could sign this card then we can move on and Raymond can go home."

Doric handed Morvo the card.

"But we do have a question, why are you pretending to have no memory?"

"Well I was an officer on Cazilara guarding the energy station, I saw something that has haunted me all these years."

"What! What did you see Morvo?" asked Raymond.

But before Morvo could answer two beings coloured all in black knocked on the door that lead to the garden. Fortunately blinds shielded the room so you could see out but no one could see in.

"Oh they're back, boys you'll have to leave or hide. Quick."

Raymond and Doric looked around the room for somewhere to hide. There was a wardrobe on one wall with 2 doors.

Raymond pointed to it. He opened both doors and pushed the contents to one side. They stepped inside. Morvo closed the door.

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