4. A Convincing Argument

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"So let me get this straight. You want to go on holiday to America for a week, and you want us to pay for it?" Questioned Lester.
E, Matt and Lester were all crowded in Lester's office the following morning, and E had just revealed her and Connor's travel plans to their boss.
"That's not exactly how I'd put it" mumbled E.
"I know you don't take this job as seriously as the rest of us. But we have a job to do here" replied Lester.
"I am well aware of that. And I wouldn't be going on this trip, if I wasn't sure that you could handle things without me"
"I'm glad you have such faith in our abilities"
"It's got nothing to do with faith. I know when a new anomaly will appear, and I'm telling you that you don't need me and Connor this week".

Lester turned from E to face Matt, "How long have you known about her plans?".
"I knew nothing of her attentions until this morning" admitted Matt.
"I find that hard to believe, since she tells you everything" replied Lester.
"Ellie did not tell me about any of this" insisted Matt.
"It's true. I didn't tell him what I was planning to do. In fact, I only asked Connor to come with me yesterday, as I was originally planning to go alone" revealed E.
"Just explain to me again what in America is so important, that you and Connor want to abandon us all for a whole week" said Lester.

"We are not abandoning you. Besides we are going to Vancouver, which is in Canada, not the US. And we are going to a scientific conference. It's an event where all the brightest people in the area, get together and discuss theories and other scientific problems. It would be silly not to attend and expand our knowledge" explained E.
"I would've thought you've learned everything there is to know by now" admitted Lester.
"Contrary to popular belief, I don't know everything. I am only a genius in certain fields" replied E.
"And how is it that you got an invite to such an event?"
"That is none of your concern. Anyway, it's not the kind of event that anyone would break into. So no one is going to look at Connor and I suspiciously".

"Are you sure about that? I mean, you don't look that old" reminded Lester.
"There is such a thing as a child prodigy. So I don't think anyone is going to bat an eyelid at me. I'll be able to blend in just fine" reassured E.
"Even if I allowed you to go and do your own thing, I still can't let Connor go with you. He is my employee afterall"
"Yeah, an employee who's never taken a holiday since working here. He's also not someone you are going to miss, no offense to Connor. Matt is the team leader, Becker is the head of security, Abby is the creature expert, and Jess is the field operator. Trust me, you can cope without me and Connor for one week".

E looked over at Matt and shot him a pleading look, wanting him to support her, even though he didn't know what she was up to.
"I think you should let them go. Ellie knows things about the future that we don't, so she wouldn't leave us if anything bad was going to happen. And we shouldn't hold her and Connor back, if this event is a chance for them to learn things that might end up helping us out in the future" said Matt.
"Fine fine, you can go" sighed Lester.
"Thank you. You won't regret it, I promise" replied E.

"I had better not. I'll have it all arranged by the end of the week. But I still think it would be easier if you just used an anomaly to get there" admitted Lester.
"If I'm going to officially exist in this time, I can't be hopping about using anomalies. I need a proper passport and identity, now that I am staying in this time zone with you guys" insisted E.
"If that's what you want, then I will see to it all for you. Now get going, I'm sure you have other things that you need to be getting on with" replied Lester.
As they exited the office, Matt pulled E to one side, so that they could speak in private.
"What is it?" Asked E, as she pulled her arm out of Matt's grasp.

"Spill. I know there is more to this story than you are telling Lester" admitted" Matt.
"What makes you so sure that I'm lying to him?" Questioned E.
"Because one minute we are having an ordinary conversation, and the next minute you reveal that you want to go to America to attend some random conference. That is not normal behaviour. It seems to me that you are running from something" replied Matt.
"I'm not. I swear to you that I'm not running from anything or anyone. And I do actually have business in Vancouver, I'm not lying about where I'm going. I just can't tell you what I will really be doing there. But I'm taking Connor with me, as insurance, to prove to you that I'm coming back".

"Why are you taking him over me? And don't lie and say it's because I'm the team leader, or that you don't think I'd be interested in the conference. I want the real answer" demanded Matt.
"Look, I need you to trust me. And trust that what I'm doing is important" begged E.
"I want to trust you. But last time you went away, I didn't see you for months"
"This isn't going to be like last time. I didn't vanish in the night like last time, I told you before hand instead. And I have every intention of coming back whenever Lester books our return flight".

"Alright, I'll let you go, but you have to promise to tell me what you were up to, when you return" announced Matt.
"I really don't like being given ultimatums, but I guess I don't really have a choice. So if you continue telling Lester that this is a good idea, and don't ask me any more difficult questions. Then I will tell you what me and Connor were really up to, when we get back from our trip" replied E.
"O.K, it's a deal. Just promise me that you'll be safe on your trip"
"Don't worry, this isn't the kind of mission that is dangerous. Me and Connor will be totally safe, trust me".

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