31. Attachment Issues

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The talking went on for hours, and E found it very boring.
Lester and Matt did most of the talking for the ARC.
Abby chipped in whenever the creatures were being discussed, because she had their best interests at heart. And Connor joined in with the discussion when the science behind the anomalies got too much for Lester.
E stayed silent for most of the meeting, only answering the odd question thrown her way.
She wasn't sure that she could completely trust the Canadians just yet, so she didn't want to reveal how much she really knew about the anomalies.

As the sun began to set, and the discussion grew to a close, E began to wander around the site to ward of her boredom.
Since she knew the anomaly would be closing soon, she made her way towards it. But she couldn't get too close, because there were 2 soldiers guarding it.
"We're all done".
E spun around and saw that Evan had joined her.
"We've finished talking for today. But we are going to continue sorting things out tomorrow at Cross Photonics. Your people are ready to leave" continued Evan.

"I expect Matt is looking for me" sighed E.
"Yes, Mr Anderson wants to find you so that you can all head back to the hotel" replied Evan.
"I'll join him in a bit. I'm just enjoying these last few minutes of freedom. Matt has a tendency to try and keep me contained, because he worries about me. He can be very overwhelming sometimes. It's only when I'm away from him that I can truly feel free" admitted E.
"You should tell him that you need your space"
"I've tried that, but it didn't work last time".

"Then maybe you should tell him again" suggested Evan.
"Don't worry, when we get back to London, I plan to do just that... But while me and you are both here, I wanted to show you something" revealed E.
She removed her portable locking device from her pocket and pointed it at the anomaly. She then pressed the button, locking it shut.
The soldiers standing next to it, jumped back in terror.

"What did you do?" Asked Evan.
E picked up a stone from the floor and threw it at the anomaly.
The stone bounced off harmlessly.
"I locked it. Nothing can get in or out now" answered E.
"How did you do that?" Questioned Evan.
"I will show you tomorrow, if you promise to keep the information to yourself. I will give you the knowledge you seek, so that you can create a locking device of your own. But only if you use this knowledge for good. Use it to protect people, not to benefit yourself"
"You want me to use it to stop the soldiers and scientists from going through the anomalies".

E nodded her head, before unlocking the anomaly, allowing it to close naturally a few minutes later.
"I promise to do the right thing with the information that you give me" said Evan, as they turned away from the anomaly.
"Good. And hopefully you will be better at keeping this promise, than you were at keeping the anomalies a secret" replied E.
"That wasn't my fault. Ang was the one who went to Leeds and asked him for help, not me" informed Evan.
"Then you should have kept her under control, since she used to work for you, not the other way around... But there's no going back now. We can only go forward".

"It's going to be hard to stick to what we promise to do, once you lot go back home" admitted Evan.
"I know. Which is why I plan on staying longer than the rest of my team" revealed E.
"You do?" Replied Evan.
"Yes. I haven't told them of my intentions, but I will soon. Last time I left, I didn't help you, and everything went wrong. I don't want to make the same mistake twice. Which is why I am going to stay here a while and sort things out. I can't go back until I am certain that everything is going to be alright".

"Ah, there you are. I was looking for you everywhere. It's time to go back to the hotel" announced Matt, as he made his way over to E and Evan.
"Here I am. I was just talking to Evan about my plans for the future" admitted E.
"What kind of plans?" Questioned Matt.
"I am going to stay here when you lot go home in a couple of days time. And I won't be coming back home, until I am sure that nothing bad is going to happen"
"Good idea. Me, you and Emily can send the rest of the team back to the ARC, and stay here to ensure that things happen the way we want them to".

E shook her head, "No Matt. You and Emily will be going back with the rest of the team. You are the team leader afterall, and they need you back at the ARC. I will be staying here alone".
"Why do you always want to do things alone?" Frowned Matt.
"Because sometimes I have to do things by myself, and you need to let me. Me and Evan need to make Project Magnet, function as well as the ARC. And in order to do that I need to stay here, alone" replied E.

"Are you sure that you want to stay here alone with these people?" Questioned Matt, as he stared at Evan.
"Hey man, that's uncalled for. If she wants to stay here, then you shouldn't stop her. You don't own her" said Evan.
"You don't know anything about her, or the connection we have, so just stay out of this!" Snapped Matt.
"Matt calm down. Evan is right. You don't own me. And if I want to stay here alone, that's my decision" informed E.

"Fine" spat Matt before marching back to the rest of the ARC team who were all waiting by the entrance.
"That guy has some serious attachment issues" commented Evan.
"I know. Which is why I need to cut my ties with him. I need to do something drastic, or he'll never let me go" admitted E.
"What are you going to do?" Asked Evan.
"I'm going to free myself" answered E.

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