34. A New Life

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"You know what, I never thought I would ever say this, but I am actually going to miss you" admitted Lester.
After a week of living in Matt's flat, E decided that it was time for her to move on.
After packing up all her belongings she headed to the ARC to say her goodbyes.
"Don't worry James, I'll be back before you know it, annoying you to death" promised E.
"I thought we weren't supposed to wait for your return" replied Lester.
"You're not, which is why I will never tell you when I am planning on coming back. I don't want you to wait in vain for me, in case there comes a time when I never come back".

Jess sniffed loudly, and dabbed her eyes with a tissue.
"Don't cry Jess. It's all going to be alright" reassured E.
"It won't feel right without you here" admitted Jess.
"Yes it will. You guys were a complete team before I came here, and you will be a complete team again once I'm gone" replied E.
"Promise me that you'll keep yourself safe while you're away"
"I can't make promises like that, but I can promise that I will try not to take any unnecessary risks. You have all shown me just how precious life is, and I don't want to throw away the time that I have left".

Jess lunged forward and hugged E as she began to cry again.
E patted her back awkwardly, before extracting herself from the hug and turning to Becker.
"Who are you going to spar with when I'm gone?" She asked with a grin on her face.
"Oh I'm sure he'll find someone else to yell at" teased Matt.
Becker elbowed Matt.
"I'm sorry that I was always so hard on you. I didn't mean to be so overbearing and cruel" apologised Becker.
"It's alright, I didn't mind. I know you only did it because you were trying to protect the team, and you saw me as a liability" sighed E.

"You are the furthest thing from a liability. You are one of the biggest assets to this team and our job is going to be a lot harder without you around" admitted Becker.
"I hope I didn't make you complacent. You did this job without me before, so my leaving shouldn't effect the day to day running of the ARC" replied E.
"You might think that you didn't have much of an impact, but you'd be wrong. You and Matt led the team together"
"Stop being so nice, I know you hated that I out ranked you"
"Well, I'd be lying if I said that I enjoyed being out ranked by you. But the missions you led were always successful, so I guess I can't argue with your track record"
"No, you can't".

E stretched out her arm and shook Becker's hand, happy the the two were parting on good terms.
"Goodbye solider boy" she teased.
Becker rolled his eyes, but said nothing.
E then turned her attention to the Temple's.
"I'm going to miss your brain when you're gone" admitted Connor.
"I too will miss being able to run things by you. You are one of the only people alive who I'm able to have intelligent conversations with" grinned E.
"When you come back I know you will bring new and exciting ideas with you, that we can work through together"
"You can be sure of that".

E took baby Nick out of Abby's arms and gave him a quick hug.
She found it strange to be around the child, since he was named after her father, and she knew that she was going to date one of his descendants at some point, as Sam was a distant relative of his.
But this was a detail she had kept secret from Connor and Abby, as she hadn't wanted to creep them out. Only Matt knew this particular truth, since she had accidentally let it slip while drunk and grieving for Sam.

After placing the baby into his pushchair, E gave Abby a hug goodbye.
"Take care of the creatures for me while I'm away" instructed E.
"You know I will" promised Abby.
E then turned back to Connor, "And I don't want you to go snooping around in my lab while I'm not here, since I plan on leaving some stuff behind" admitted E.
"No chance. I'm going in there the second you're gone" teased Connor.
E rolled her eyes, "If I find anything out of place when I return, there will be trouble".
"Don't worry, I won't go in there, you have my word"

Once she had hugged Connor, E turned to the people she was going to find it hardest to say goodbye to; Emily and Matt.
"Thank you for everything you've done for me. Thank you for inviting me into your home and making me feel welcome" said E, as she held back the tears.
"You're welcome" replied Matt.
"I only hope that while I'm gone you are able to move on with your lives"
"We'll do our very best to honor your wishes"
"Good. Then I look forward to seeing your new house next time I come".

E stepped forward and gave Emily the longest hug she had given that day.
"Take care of him for me" she whispered.
"I will" replied Emily.
E let go of Emily and prepared herself to say the most difficult goodbye.
"Matt, I'm really going to miss you" revealed E.
"And I you. Life here will never be the same without you" admitted Matt, before stepping forward and wrapping E in a hug.
Having his fatherly arms around her made her feel safe, and she almost didn't want him to let go.
"Thank you for giving me a place to belong. You gave me a home when I needed it most, so thank you, and goodbye" said E as she pushed herself away from Matt.

"Wait, there is one last thing we need to give you before you go" announced Lester.
He placed his hand inside his breast pocket and pulled out a square shaped package.
"You guys bought me a present?" Questioned E.
"Actually we made it" admitted Abby.
E tore off the brown paper and dropped it on the floor.
She then looked at the gift in her hands and saw that it was a framed photo of her and the team.
The picture had been taken a few months earlier at Nick's first birthday party.

"Thank you guys. This is the best present I have ever recieved" E said quietly, as a tear rolled down her cheek.
"Is the ice queen finally melting?" Teased Becker.
E laughed and wiped the tear from her cheek.
"Im glad you like it" admitted Becker.
"I love it" corrected E.
She then placed the frame carefully inside her backpack, before throwing the bag over her shoulder.

E used her watch to open an anomaly before taking one last look back at her friends.
"Goodbye guys. I hope to see you all again in the future... But if I don't, know that I love you all very much" revealed E.
"We love you too" replied Emily.
E then took a deep breath before turning back to the anomaly and stepping through, ready to start the next chapter of her life.

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