5. High Flyers

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It didn't take long for Lester to arrange everything, and in no time at all, Connor and E were stood at the airport, saying goodbye to those they cared about.
"Connor, promise me you'll look after her" said Matt.
"I think she'll be the one looking after me" admitted Connor.
"Of course I will be, I'm the mature one out of the two of us" grinned E.
"Just be careful" Abby said quietly as Connor kissed Nick's head softly.
"I will. I promise" reassured Connor, as he took one last look at his son.

"I hope that whatever you have planned, works out" said Matt quietly.
"Me too" admitted E.
"Don't forget that if you need me, I'm only a phone call away" reminded Matt.
"Yeah, one phone call and a very long flight away. But look, Matt, everything is going to be fine. I don't need you on this mission. Me and Connor aren't doing anything dangerous. We are both going to be completely safe, so stop worrying"
"It's hard for me not to worry about you, when you are going to be so far away"
"I know. But just try your best not to think about me. I'll be back before you know it, I promise".

Matt placed his arms around E and hugged her tight.
"I'll see you soon" he whispered.
"Not if I see you first" replied E as the pair drew apart.
"And you'll message me when you land"
"Yes, I promise that I will let you know when we have arrived safely in our hotel"
"Good. Well, have fun"
"This trip isn't really about fun, but I'll try and enjoy myself where possible".
Connor kissed Abby goodbye before taking hold of his suitcase and going off through the airport with E by his side.

"Is now a good time to mention that I've never been on a plane before" E said quietly, once her and Connor were alone.
"What! But you told Matt that you have done all this before" reminded Connor.
"I know. I lied, because I didn't want him to worry about me. But in reality, I've never been on a plane, and I'm actually quite worried about going on one" admitted E.
"But you've done everything"
"No I haven't. I may have swum in prehistoric rivers, and eaten dinosaur eggs. But I've never been on an aeroplane before. Me and Helen didn't exactly take holidays together, when I was a kid. And I've never wanted to waste hours of my life on a plane before. So I've never travelled on a plane like this before".

"But you have been to Canada before though, right?" Questioned Connor.
"Yes, I have. But there weren't exactly any humans around the last time I went there" answered E.
"So you haven't been recently?"
"No, not recently. Just a few million years ago"
"So you've got no idea what Canada is like now?"
"Great. And do you actually know anything about this Evan guy, or was that all a lie as well?"
"His name is Evan Cross, and he runs his own business which is called Cross Photonics. But I don't know exactly what they do. However, I have hacked into his buildings schematics, and found a blank part of the building, which I assume is where he is doing his secret anomaly research".

"So, we need to break into that part of the building?" Asked Connor.
"Nearly right. You need to break into the building, not me" admitted E.
"I can't do this by myself" replied Connor.
"I'm not asking you to. I will be talking to you the whole time through your earpiece. But I can't enter that building, because I am more likely to look suspicious, due to my age. You should be able to walk around without anyone bothering you"
"I'm still not sure I like this plan"
"Don't worry, everything will be fine. I have built a device that should be able to direct you towards the broken ARC detector. Once you are close enough, it should be able to lead you straight to the anomaly detector. I can also give you one of my inventions that will allow you to open any locked door. So stop stressing, we can do this, trust me".

"I do trust you" admitted Connor.
"Good. Because this plan will not work, unless you trust me completely" replied E.
"Understood... Are we going to get the detector back before we confront Evan?" Asked Connor.
"Yes, but I also want to watch him for a day or two first, just to see how much he knows. Then you will retrieve the detector, and then we will talk to Evan"
"And although it will be hard, we cannot get involved with the anomalies in Vancouver. If Evan is monitoring them, then we can't risk him seeing us close them"
"You want us to just stand back and watch, while creatures kill innocent people?"
"We have to. We have no jurisdiction there. It is not our job to protect those people. Besides, if Evan sees people being killed by the creatures, then maybe he will take our warning seriously".

"You want to let innocent bystanders die, just to make a point to Evan?" Frowned Connor.
"I don't want to, but it is something we have to do. However, if a creature comes into contact with us, then of course we can stop it. But we can not chase any escaped creatures down. That is not why we are going to Canada. We have a job to do, and we mustn't let ourselves get distracted" informed E.
"Fine. I will do my best to not get too involved"
"Good. We will do this little task, and in no time at all we will be on our way back home. And then we can forget about all this, and move on with our lives... Now, let's find that plane and get out of here".

Relative Strangers (book 3) Nature VS Nurture Where stories live. Discover now