30. Teamwork

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It took everything E had in her, not to track down Evan once they arrived in Canada.
She knew it would be too dangerous to even watch him from afar, during the week, so she left him to his own devices.
When the 9th of June finally arrived, E was more nervous than she had been in a very long time.
The team all gathered near to the anomaly site, but not near enough to get noticed.
E then stepped through an anomaly onto the site, and watched things from the shadows.
She'd been an observer her whole life, so she did not find it hard to stay hidden.

E watched as the Albertosaurus wrecked the site and attacked Colonel Hall and some other men, before being ushered back through the anomaly by Evan, Dylan and Mac.
E felt sad as she knew that Mac would not be returning, for he had given his life to save Evan and keep the timeline in check.
When her, Evan and Dylan came back through the anomaly, she watched her past and future selves discuss what to do next.
After her past self went back through an anomaly, her future self turned and looked over at her, winking, before creating her own anomaly to disappear through.
E was momentarily taken aback by her future selves actions.
But she quickly remembered that she was there for a reason, so she turned back to the scene to watch what happened next.

It was a crucial moment, that would decide the future of the ARC and the Canadians.
If anarchy and chaos ruled, then there was no hope for either team.
E was hoping that Angelika Finch would step up and take control of the situation.
She prayed that the military didn't take over, because there would be no reasoning with them then.
With Colonel Hall dead, she needed Angelika, Evan, and Lieutenant Leeds to start working together.

The next hour seemed to drag by for E, as she watched what was happening very closely.
When things started looking good, and Angelika appeared to be taking control, E used the comms unit in her ear to communicate with the ARC team and tell them to make their way over to the site.
Once she was sure that the team were on their way, E emerged from the shadows and placed her ARC jacket on, so that she felt like her friends had her back.
She then made her way over to where Angelika and the other men were talking.

"Hello again" said E, announcing her arrival.
"Didn't I just send you back through the anomaly?" Frowned Angelika.
"You did. But for me that was 2 months ago. Our timelines have caught up now. I came here on a plane, I didn't travel through an anomaly" replied E, spinning the truth slightly.
"What are you doing here?"
"When I was last here, you asked me to work with you. I was a little dismissive last time, and after a few months of thinking it through, I think that co-operation between our 2 teams is not such a bad idea".

"You didn't think it was a good idea when I spoke to you" reminded Evan.
"Well, like I said, that was 2 months ago. I've changed my mind since then" admitted E.
"So you're going to help us?" Questioned Angelika, who couldn't hide the hopefulness in her voice.
"Yes. But not just me. My entire team has come here to help you through this. We haven't come to take over, or threaten anybody. So I would appreciate it if your soldiers didn't try and shoot them when they arrived" replied E.

"They're coming soon?" Asked Angelika.
"Yes. I went on ahead, but they should be here any minute" answered E.
"Lieutenant Leeds, make sure they have no problems getting in" instructed Angelika.
"Yes ma'am" replied Leeds.
"We haven't officially been introduced. I'm Ellie Cutter" informed E.

It felt weird for her to give her full name, but since she knew they were all going to be working together, she wanted them to know who she was.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Lieutenant Ken Leeds" revealed Leeds.
"Yes, I know. Don't let me hold you up, I need you to let my people in. We all wear the same uniform, so you should be able to recognise them" admitted E, as she tapped the ARC badge on her jacket.
All the team had worn their ARC jackets for the mission, except for Lester, who refused to put one over his suit.
Leeds nodded and began to head towards the main gate to let the ARC team in.

"What exactly do you have planned?" Asked Evan curiously.
"Nothing ominous, I promise" reassured E.
"Are you sure? Bad things always seem to happen when you're around" admitted Evan.
"Yeah, I know. My whole life has been one bad thing after another. But I swear that this time I bring good things".
"How do you plan to help us?" Questioned Angelika.
"We just want to nudge you in the right direction. I know that Evan didn't want to work with Colonel Hall. But now that he's dead, you two should be able to make this partnership succeed" replied E.

"You want me to work with the military? Because that is not going to happen" admitted Evan.
"I don't want you to work with them, I want you to lead them. You have the technology, so they can't do this without you. Which means that you call the shots. I need you to take charge. Miss Finch here, and Lieutenant Leeds can help you. You have to put them on the right track. No more going into the anomalies to take out creatures, and no more trying to change the future. Do you think you can do that for me?" Quizzed E.

"I don't know. It doesn't feel right to continue without Mac. So many people have lost their lives already, and I'm not sure I can keep going" informed Evan.
"You have to. I gave you a choice 6 months ago, remember. You could have walked away, but you chose not to. And that's on you. You told me that you couldn't possibly walk away, so you can't walk out now. There is no going back. This awful military operation will continue, with or without you, and I need you to be with them, to make them better" admitted E.
"It's not going to be easy, to get them to stop going into anomalies. They have a very fixed mindset"
"I agree. But you guys are in charge now, so what you say goes".

"You really think that I'm strong enough to take charge?" Questioned Evan.
"I know you are. You've come this far, haven't you. You're the scientist, which means you are supposed to lead... My father was a scientist, and he was the very first team leader back at the Anomaly Research Centre, in the UK. He was a good man, who just wanted to study the anomalies and put everything back where it came from. You are a good man too, just like him" replied E.

"Ellie, we are here" Matt said through E's earpiece.
"My people are here now. So it's time we begin this brand new partnership. Maybe in the future you guys might end up wearing ARC jackets like mine. But that's a long way off. Let's just try and get through this day first" continued E.
"After you" replied Evan.
E nodded her head and began to lead them towards the front entrance, where she could see the ARC team waiting for her.
She knew what was coming would not be easy, but it had to happen, and she was going to fight with her words, instead of her fists, for once, to get the outcome that she wanted.

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