Chapter 10

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Rapunzel's POV

I woke up ready to go to the city. Hiccup was still sleeping, so I woke him up. "Hiccup." I sang softly. "Hmm?" He moaned. "We're going to the city remember?" I said. He slowly sat up. "Alright, let's go." He said. We quickly got ready to go. Then we all left and headed towards the city.

When we got to the city, when we went I saw amazing things like a taxi, clothes from the city, buildings, food stands, and much more. As I travel around the city I saw something new. After a while, we went to find my parents.

After a while of searching, we finally found the right place. "Well, this is it." I said. "My dream is finally coming true." "You can do it Rapunzel, I'll be right behind you." Hiccup cheered on. I knocked on the door. I waited for a second and some man opened it. "Um, hi. Are you Mr. Corona?" I asked. "Yes." The man said. "I think I might be your daughter." I said. His face turned to shock.

"Come in, come in and bring your friend too." The man said. "Honey, come down here!" The man yelled up the stairs. "I'm coming." A woman's voice sang. After awhile, a woman came down. "This is our long lost daughter, Rapunzel." The man said with joy. The man and the woman hugged me tight.

I can't believe. I finally found my parents and now I have a boyfriend. Life is perfect. We talked about life and how things were and my parents told me the story of how I was stolen as a baby. I can't believe mother did that to me. Well she's not a mother to me any more.

After a while, we heard someone drop something. We all turned around and this lady had dropped a tray of glass cups. "I'm so sorry." She said. Then Hiccup got up and went up to help her. "Here let me help you." He said. Then when the lady looked up, gasped. "Hiccup." She exclaimed. "Do I know you?" Hiccup asked. "I'm your mother." The lady said.

Hiccup's POV

My mom? What? But how? How do I even know this true?

"What? How do I even know that your my mother?!" I yell. "Alright, I know Stoick is your father." She answered. Only one person knows that and that's my real mother. "Mom." I say softly. I give her a hug. Wait a minute should I be mad at her.

"How could you leave me with that monster?" I ask with anger. "What do you mean? Your father is a sweet and wonderful man. He loves you to bits." She explained. "Oh he's nice alright. He beats me everyday of my life, blames me for you leaving, and almost tried to kill me once." I explained. My face began to become red with anger. "Hiccup please I can explain." She said sweetly.

"Explain what?! That you called me a mistake! That you left me when I was a baby never to see me again! You left me to die with that man!" I explained. I felt my eyes water. "My whole I've been tortured and you've never cared to try and save me from the man who I use to call father." I cried. "I'm leaving." I grabbed my stuff and walked out the door with tears in my eyes. Once I found a bench I sat down and began to cry. Silently.

After a while, I heard foot steps come close to me. "Hiccup, let me explain." A woman's voice said. I looked up and it was my mother. "Go on. Explain." I said. "When you were born the doctor said that you have a rare disease where if you get a tiny cold when you were older like 16 or 17 you could have died from that cold. Your father use to be a wonderful man. He always loved you and still does." She explained.

"The doctor told us there was no cure. I cried and your father tried to find a way to cure you. Which he did. He found a woman named Gothel and she used magic to cure you, but there was a price. That price was that your father had to be under her control and so he took that risk. But she decided that you can never get hurt. So, she put under a spell that when he would get mad, he would abuse you. She also put the pain in one of your feet. When you were old enough to be by yourself with your father. I learned magic that could break your father from that spell and you could still be healthy at the same time, but we have to kill the witch in the process." She explained.

"You know because you told me this, I think I know why dad put a knife in my foot so they could cut it off and I got a plastic foot instead." I told her. I showed her my plastic leg. "Oh my." She exclaimed. "But I'm ok." I looked at her and hugged her. "I'm sorry." I apologized. "It's alright." She said.

"Come on let's go back." She said. Then we walked back to the place.

Skipping Some Stuff or SSS For Short.....

We finally got back to the house. I opened and saw Rapunzel run up to me and hug me. "Hiccup, are you alright?" She asked with a bit of panic. "Yep. I'm fine." I answered. "Thank goodness your alright." She sighed in relief.

"Alright people we need to kill a witch." I said. "Who's the witch?" Rapunzel asked. "Gothel." I answered. "I'm ready to kill her any day." Rapunzel and her parents said. "Alright so here's the plan." My mother began. "Hiccup, you and Rapunzel are going to be bait for Stoick and Gothel. When they both come near you, your parents, Rapunzel, sneak up behind Stoick and grab him hold while I kill Gothel with this knife." She explained.

Everybody understood, but I have a bad feeling about this.


Hey guys, hope your liking the story. You guys are the best readers ever!😋😆

Comment anything you like.

QOTD: what instrument do play and if you don't play one what would you like to play?

AOTD: I play an instrument, I play percussion which is the drums and stuff like that.


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