Chapter 6

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Hiccup's POV

I've been in the hospital for a week now. Tomorrow I'll be leaving and going home. I've been texting Rapunzel a lot. She's doing good in school. She's also come to visit to give me my homework everyday. I've learning how to use the plastic foot lately and it's not as bad as I thought. I've learned how to put on clothes, walk, run, and jump with my new foot.

Then I heard my phone buzz. I got a text from her. On my phone I put her as Punzie. It's a weird nickname, but it just suits her.

Punzie: Ello ; )

Me: Howdy partner :D

Punzie: R u ready for school?

Me: Nope :/

Punzie: Aw. Don't be such a big baby.

Me: Fine.

Punzie: I'll see you tomorrow then :3

Then I put my phone to charge. Then I heard my dad barge in. "Here's your backpack son." He said. Then he threw my backpack against the floor. "Thanks." I said and then he left. Rude.

I put my book, a lunch from the hospital cafeteria, and I got earbuds during the week from my dad and I put this in to the bag. I put my clothes on the table next to me then I went under the covers and watched tv, until I fell asleep.

The next morning....

I woke up to the sound of an alarm clock, which was a doctor. "Get up or your going to be late to school." He ordered. I quickly got dressed and put my phone and charger in my backpack. I put the rest of my stuff in the other bag my dad brought me. I was going to bring that to school too.

I went to the hospital cafeteria to eat breakfast. Then I took my stuff and went to school.

At school...

At school I went to my locker and I put my bag from the hospital into the locker. Then I closed my locker I saw Jack. I jumped back a bit at first. "H-hello." I said. "Hey cyborg, how's the foot?" He asked. "G-good." I answered. Then I began to walk away, Jack followed. He looked mad, but why?

"Are you ok?" I asked. "Nope." He answered. "Why?" I asked. "Well, you see. I got a full year of detention because of you and because of that I'm gonna do something so horrible." He explained and I think I know what he meant by that.

I began to run for the hills. I ran past people while he continued to chase. I rushed out of the school and into the football field. Nobody was there. Then I was about to walk around the football field so I could get to class, but something stopped. I saw Jack.

"Hmm... Now what should I do?" He asked. "I know." He said with joy. He was about to punch me, but then our coach came. "Hey, Jack! Principal's office right now!" She yelled. Then she walked up to me. "Are you alright?" She asked. I nodded my head, yes. "You better get to class before your late."she said. Then I rushed of to class.

I got to technology, which is pretty boring.

(I'm just gonna skip to lunch)

At lunch, I sat as my usual table, but I saw people sitting there. I saw Rapunzel there and she motioned me to come over. So, I did.

Rapunzel's POV

I saw Hiccup and I motioned him to come over. He came. "Um, hi." He said. "Hey." My friends said to him. "Why don't you sit next to me?" I asked Hiccup. "Um, sure." He answered and then he sat down.

"This is Merida, Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff." I greeted. "Sup, I'm Hiccup." He said. Everyone blurted into laughter. "What's so funny?" He asked. "It's yer name laddy. It's adorable." Merida laughed.

"Oh ok." Hiccup said confused. "Well Hiccup, have you been anywhere?" Kristoff asked. "Actually, yeah. My dad last summer took me up north for camp and I climbed a mountain." he said. "Cool." Kristoff said. Then everybody got to know Hiccup and Hiccup got to know everybody. That's basically how our lunch day went.

Later on, school and ended and I went home. When I got home, mother wasn't there so, I began to panic until I found a note. It said: I'll be back soon. Just went to go get some food. Oh thank goodness.

Hiccup's POV

I finally made it home. Score! I rushed to my room. I look around for a bag. I found one in my closet. I packed some clothes, earbuds, book, iPhone, charger, jacket, food, and supplies. Now, I'm going to need money, where can I get money? I know! I have a special stash in my dresser.

I quickly run to my emergency stash of $5,000. Hey, when you finish your homework early and in school, you start a job right away. I worked at a animal shelter and sometimes Walmart or Target, it depends.

Anyways, I ran downstairs towards the front door. Goodbye, evil life. Hello, new beginnings. Then I began to run towards the animal shelter where they had toothless.

Don't worry Toothless, I'll get you back. No matter what it takes.


Hey guys, sorry for the sucky chapter.

Anyways, if you want me to add something to the story then comment. Also do not ever run away from home. Only characters from books can do it.

QOTD: What will happen in the next chapter?

AOTD: Maybe there will be a food fight?

Read the next chapter to find out.


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