Forming Ties(11)

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Hey guys! Sorry about the super late update, there's been tons of stuff going on at home and I've been suuuuper busy.

Anyways! Enjoy this next chapter, cause we are finally starting to get into the real shit 😼


A delicate humming.

A wordless tune, eerie and haunting echoed through the space around me. Hands held me close, cold fingers tracing their way through my hair leaving behind dustings of flaky snow.

A feathery light caress.

A pale, whimsical, and elegant face, mouth moving silently. No words could be heard.

The humming grew louder as I struggled to hear what the woman was saying. The melody rang in my ears and I grimaced with pain.

Warm blood dripped down the sides of my face as the humming turned into a screeching white noise. My ears rang and the noise grew louder





And louder yet

Hands gently caressed my writhing form as I thrashed. She pets my face and cheeks, smoothing down my hair.


I shifted slightly on the uncomfortable stone slab, rubbing over the bump of a scar on my shoulder. I traced it down, memorizing the imperfections of my skin, marveling over how well the wound had knit together.

Vendel huffed and grumbled as he stomped back and forth across the office space picking up books, only to toss them aside moments later. He pulled various items off his shelves and I took the time to really appreciate how beautiful his home(?) was. Intricate stonework, shelves upon shelves of old books, strange luminescent rocks, colorful trinkets, and numerous items I had no idea what purpose they served. Oddly enough though, I wasn't feeling very uncomfortable in here. Aside from the occasional cold shiver and the fact that I was quite literally half-naked, I didn't feel all that nervous.

"GAH! Confound it!" Vendel threw his staff to the side. I jumped, flinching away from his outburst with wide eyes. "I can't seem to find anything in any of my texts that would explain your rapid regeneration!" He took a calming breath. "It frustrates me to no end that I cannot find an explanation for this phenomenon." He chuffed in annoyance, hand grasped firmly on his chin. "Describe it to me again, if you would," Vendel grumbled.

"O-oh, right, o-of course!" I described to Vendel the chaotic events of last night, in as much detail as I was willing. (Though I did leave out the part where I screamed at Bular to 'suck it bitch') I told him about being chased, escaping, and waking up the next morning in a cave, shifting around nervously on the stone slab.

Vendel grumbled lowly. "And you are absolutely sure that nothing out of the ordinary happened before this!"

"Y-y-yessir!" I squeaked, still a bit nervous.


I inhaled deeply, fingers twitching as I got lost in my head. The memory of my arm shoved deep into icy cold water, grasping around the bottom of a poo, resurfaced. The milky, white and pale blue gemstone sitting in the bottom of my bag, carefully wrapped up in my sweater...

I, wordlessly, hopped down from the stone table, leaving my shirt cast to the side. Bending down, hyper-aware of Vendel's calculating gaze locked in my back, I ruffled through my backpack and pulled out the smallest piece of the stone I had found. It was still relatively big, barely fitting in my palm, but much smaller than the other two. Hesitating for a moment, I offered the stone to Vendel. "I-I did f-f-find this yesterday, if th-th-that helps?"

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