Ichika vs Laura

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Jan Poras's ship is in hyperspace traveling to the Earth System to check up on Ichika. As she patiently waited for the ship to exit out of hyperspace, she got of the cockpit and walked over to two other crewmates. The two others were an R2 unit and one is a near-human species with pointy ears. Similar to what elves look like. Her name is Kalei Dremei. A mercenary from the Outer Rim Territories during the Empire Era, now she is neutral.

"So where are we heading?"

"Remember the newly discovered planet 6 years ago? We are heading over there to meet a friend"

"We're going to Earth?" She nodded in approval "this should be interesting right R2H8?"

The r2 unit just made beeping noises

"How long will it take us there?"

"Probably a day or so," Poras said "The Republic has also decided to meet the people of Earth. We must be careful about how we approach this world. From what I heard in their history, they go to warr over the most idiotic things"

"So uncivilized," Dremei said

(Coruscant low orbit)

At Coruscant, a small fleet of New Republic Ships has entered space. Grandmaster Luke Skywalker has arrived at Coruscant. Alongside Master Pandora, Kyle, and Mara Jade who boarded on one of the ships. Leia also decided to take Rogue Squadron and Red Squadron to aid the small fleet incase of an attack by the Imperial fleet.

Wedge Antilles the captain of Rogue Squadron spoke up "This is Captain Antilles all wings report in"

"Rogue 2 standing by"

"Rouge 4 Standing by"

"Rouge 6 standing by"

"Rouge 7 Standing By"

"Rouge 9 standing by"

Meanwhile, the Red Squadron did their own callsign test "This is Red Leader all wings report in"

"Red 2 standing by"

"Red 5 standing by"

"Red 6 standing by"

"Red 7 standing by"

"Red 3 standing by"

In-Home One, Admiral Ackbar was calling to all ships to jump into hyperspace in his mark. (regardless of size, think of the Battle of Endor size, but smaller).

"All Craft prepared to jump into hyperspace on my mark. To the Earth System, we go" Admiral Ackbar said through the speaker.

Admiral Ackbar activates the hyperdrive as it speeds up into deep space. Alongside with Red Squadron, Rogue Squadron, and other spacecraft who followed the Home One. Now they are now on their way to make the first contact with these primitive humans.

Inside Home One, almost everyone was in the comms room. In the center is a Holographic amphitheater. The holographic images showed the planet Earth rotating in a clockwise direction and tilted 23.5 degrees.

"I would like to start the meeting with General Sylvia with this operation" Admiral Ackbar said as he brought the attention towards the Mirlian.

"I am General Sylvia, for those of you who don't know me. She then looks at the holographic projection of Earth.

"This is the Earth System. Located in the unknown regions of space. Master Pandora managed to find a safe hyperspace route to this system. Surprisingly, their closest neighbor would be the Chiss Ascendency, but they are only about 6,000+ light-years away from each other. We've been studying this planet before, and it turns out this planet is very similar to Alderaan, Naboo, and Corellia climate. The only difference is that Earth has a diverse climate. Parts of the world are desert, and some are rain forest, some are grassland and so much more. This means this type of planet might have valuable and rare resources. Could be beneficial for the Republic, as a result, we can trade their resources over our outdated ships from the Old Republic Era."

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