Lesson Learned: Don't be Late

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"Well? Come on I don't have all day we have to get you in uniform." Luciano stated as we began walking through the mansion.

I noticed it was like those in America's Disney movies. The walls and-a floor were white so they would clash with the red curtains and carpets. There were the occasional paintings,self portraits, and statues. The only thing that would prove the violence in the mansion are the broken picture frames and some faint but permanent blood stains.

Oh No! I was lost in thought again! I lost Luciano! OH NO OH NO! I'm scared!!! Okay keep calm,keep calm, keep calm! I noticed an old self portrait of a cheery Flavio and grumpy Luciano.

"Teehee!~" I giggled and felt around in my pockets for-there! I took out my black marker and began doodling on their faces! (Jiggly Puff!)



I screeched before turning to see Lutz smiling at the now ruined self portrait. He stuck out his hand silently requesting the marker which I gave without resistance. He began to add more doodles to the ruined portrait.

"Luciano is mad since you ran off."

"I didn't! I lost him!"

"You're a dense one aren't you?"

"Si! That's what my Germany says all the time!"

"Fine I'll explain to Luciano."

"Yay Grazie Lutz!"

Out of pure instinct I hugged him but he stiffened up. I looked up to find him staring down at me with wide eyes.

"Are you not used to affection like my Germany?"

"Nein I'm not used to getting affection from Italy."

"Oh! Sorry Lutz!"

I let go quickly since he seemed uncomfortable.

"Nein it's fine."


We began walking down corridors again. How am I going to remember this?! We ended up meeting a very upset Luciano.

"Lutz I have to-a speak with you."

Lutz only nodded and followed Luciano out leaving me alone with the dre-DRESS!

Oh this is EXACTLY going to be like Mr.Austria's house! My ears met with pitched scream similar to mine yet deeper and more menacing. Wait! Luciano is yelling at Lutz! I have to help him!

I put on the maid's dress in hurry still managing to look presentable and put on the head piece. I ran out to see Luciano's knife out. I froze on the spot. Ludwig where are you?!

Seeing as Lutz's attention was directed right at me after I exited in the room in hurry, Luciano quickly noticed Lutz's lack of attention he turned toward me. There's that smirk again. Ack! I can feel the goosebumps already!

"Perfecto.~" He purred in malicious tone.

"It'll be very fun breaking your dignity. Which would lead to a shatter in your already weak courage. Which means you won't have the guts to run away!~"

I began to tremble again.

"Well, start cleaning! This place better be spotless! Dinner starts at 20:30!(8:30) Don't be late this time!"

With those parting words he harshly threw a wooden broom at me,(which nearly knocked me over) then walked away. Lutz was quick in pursuit and left me alone....in maid uniform.......in slightly dusty room. I got the hint and began cleaning with 20:30 in my mind.


Edit: Cringey accents are gone, please notify on missed accents or grammar mistakes.

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