Lesson Learned: Doppelgängers Are Hard To Come By

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Everything looks fuzzy.....


But the sound is normal.....if anything fratello probably took out my eardrum. 

"What is it Romano?"

"He's alive! He's somewhere in Italy! He signed this god awful letter!"

"Let me see........mein gott disgusting...but he must be safe!"

Oh my....no one was meant to see that letter I'm embarrassed ve....

"We have........fi......im....."

Huh it's all fuzzy again...

"W......il.....I pr.....mi......se...."


A dream? 

I curl up closer to Luci while contemplating both dreams. How odd. Perhaps me and Romano's connection is stronger than ever to be having dreams like this. We are a lot more closer than we were as children after all.

I sit up and make my way to the bathroom.

It's all too complicated right now so I should think about what I should do with Luciano today!

I turn on the shower and test out the water until it's just right before stepping in.

"Ahhh~ I love morning showers!"

Maybe we should go for a walk out in the gardens?

Watch classic films?

Maybe we can go out into town today! I miss the busy streets of Venice after all!

It'll be nice to sail down the canals in a Gondola with him after all~

I sigh and step out dripping wet before grabbing a towel and drying myself off. I continue with my morning routine wondering how in the world I'll convince Luci to go out into town when I hear shuffling in the hallway, Luci is awake yay!

I run out at the speed of light to give him a hug.

"Idiot! Put clothes on!"

"Luci! Luci! Luci! Let's go out to the city today!"

3...2....1....hmm? He's calm?

"We'll go out today"

"Huh?! Really!?"

"Si. Why's that so hard to believe?"

"It's not! Grazie! Grazie! Grazie!" I peck him quickly on the cheek and run out to get changed in something comfy since we won't be leaving until later.


Breakfast went by calm as usual and Luci went back to work in his study. Not wanting to be alone I followed and I have never been so bored in my life. I tried to peek at his paper work again and he covered it from my eyes, endless cycle.

"Feliciano, you know this is important paper work only meant for my eyes to see correct? Now stop." He stated in an annoyed tone.

"But I'm the country of Italy too! Let me see!"

"Feliciano no."

I move to peek again and the cycle breaks with me being pulled into his lap, straddling him.

"V-ve...." This is so embarrassing! I can feel my face heating up!

"Feliciano you're all red~ Do you have a fever~?" He's teasing me what a jerk face. Almost instinctively I pout.

"So cute~" Instinctively I smiled when light kisses were peppered all over my face.

A repeated dinging from his phone interrupted the moment.

"Looks like my alarm went off. Get dressed in something appropriate we're going out for lunch."

"Yay! I'll be back in a second!"


The car ride wasn't very long surprisingly. Although all the twists and turns were confusing, it was shocking when the trees abruptly became buildings during the drive. Luciano soon found somewhere to park and the rest of the way to the cafe was on foot. 

Hustle and bustle in the streets was nice. It felt nice to be back. The friendly vendors selling fresh produce, children playing by the fountain, and young love blooming in the youth.

I decided to do a little window shopping and a rose gold ring caught my eye, just a simple band for the ring finger. It mostly caught my eye because of the color since rose gold is my favorite.

"Feliciano wait here for a second. I'll be right back." Then he went into the store leaving me alone. I allowed my eyes to wander when my gaze caught someone familiar. Inside a vendor shop I spot a man similar to Arthur but with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes, yet the same gigantic eyebrows ew. I look around the scene more to see THE REAL ENGLAND! No, no, no! Why is he here?!

Stay calm. I continue to watch the exchange. They're both in two different isles and Arthur is making his way to his unsuspecting doppelgänger but something catches his eye and he stops, then his doppelgänger moves past him briskly to checkout, seemingly in a hurry. The vendor is helping out another customer so he waits patiently but Arthur begins to move to the vendor's location as well, but by then the doppelgänger's attention is caught by an item across the tiny store and he moves along there. The vendor then accepts Arthur's money and Arthur goes to leave, passing his doppelgänger without even realizing he passed another England. 

I wonder how many times me and Luciano were close to meeting?

But thank god neither England noticed me!

Two arms wrap themselves around my waist and I smile.

"Feliciano," He spins me around to face him and gently takes my hand. "Hmph!" He blushes slightly and slides the rose gold band on my ring finger. I gasp.

"You didn't have to...."

"I wanted to!"

"I love it ve~!" I hug him close and hold him tight and he gladly returns the gesture.

He pulls away soon and takes my hand.

"Come on the cafe is close and I'm hungry."

"Haha, me too!" 


How'd you guys like the new chapter? I'll try to post a part two to their date tonight.


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