Lesson Learned: Don't Ask For Love Letters

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It seems as though the business trip wasn't over and Luciano came home early since Flavio could do the job for him. He was suppose to be gone for a week. I asked why he came back early and he only blushed and yelled that it wasn't my business. I only laughed it off secretly hoping he came back for me ve~

We continued on with light training and work. Today me and Luci are in the kitchen preparing to cook lunch, I've never been more terrified in my life. Currently Luci and Romeo are arguing over something irrelevant, they really don't get along do they? The others won't be back until Thursday and it's only Monday. Eventually Romeo storms off with the car keys and Luci is fuming. 

"If you want I can cook lunch while you cool off ve..."

"No! We're cooking together!"


He pouts and looks over.

"Can we make ravioli..?"

"Si! Ravioli is my favorite ve~!"

He smiles.

"Mine too, well let's get started."

I gather the ingredients while he gathers the utensils. I open the recipe book to a worn page about Ravioli. He must really like it ve~ I'll keep that in mind!

We get it work and have fun occasionally throwing flour at each other, and drawing on each other's faces with the sauce. Thankfully not his 'special sauce' yuck! We make the ravioli from scratch taking turns rolling the dough, we start making the ravioli filling it with cheese and spices, then we set it all to boil.

About an hour passes while cooking and he leaves to get cleaned up since I might've thrown a little too much flour at him, this leaves the job of saucing the final product to me. Mmhhh yum! This'll be delicious!

I carefully pour marinara sauce over the ravioli so nothing spills and it's covered evenly but not overly. Just right......and done! I take the plates over to the already set table, courtesy of Luciano, and set the plate in front of him before quickly taking my seat beside him.

His eyes light up with childish wonder and something I'd never expect in a million years happens.


His eyes widen and he slaps his hands over his mouth and glares at me. He slowly lets his hands drop and,

"If you tell a soul about what just occurred I'll beat the living hell out of you."

"Ve Luci~ It was cute~ Veeeee~"

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is ve~ Say it again for me~"


He yells and starts digging in angrily though I can tell he loves it.

I let my mind wander to my brothers and his. Sebastian really enjoys spaghetti as much as Romeo, Luciano and I both love ravioli, I wonder what Flavio loves. Lovino really loves Pizza so maybe Flavio enjoys pizza. This ravioli is delicious~

Ludwig really likes beer and potatoes so does Lutz adore them as well? Kiku loves sushi with a passion so maybe to get on Kuro's good side I should make him some? In contrast to Ludwig as much as Gilbert loves beer he seems to have a big sweet tooth for pancakes, I wonder why? Now that I think about it I haven't met Prussia's 2p.

Clink. Clatter.

Hmm? I look down to see I finished all my food, awww. 

"Feliciano? You've been spacing out are you okay?"

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