Lesson Learned: Don't Assume Things

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"VEH! No Luciano! No more laps! Please!" I (attempted..)yelled. I was so out of breathe. How do people do this for a living?!

"No! Keep running!" Luciano replied. Obviously upset with my athletic ability. I heard an annoyed sigh behind me followed by footsteps. Suddenly Luciano appeared beside me.

"What are you waiting for!? Run!" He demanded.

"But it's hard!"

"What do you mean? 'It's hard.' The British aren't gonna stop just for you to catch your breath!"

"What!?!?! The British are here!? I'm scared!" Without second thought I sprinted forward my legs feeling the burn of running a mile in at least 5 minutes. I ended up running up tree and 'got stuck'.

"Feliciano.....GET DOWN RIGHT NOW!" Luciano growled at me.

"No! I'm hiding from the British!" I lied through my teeth. I had figured out by then that the British weren't here.

"Feliciano! Now! There are no British!"

"How do you know!?"

"I'm coming up there!" Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! He's climbing up here! Soon he'll be right beside-

"C-C-Ciao.......Luciano........"I trembled in fear as Luciano glared at me, growling something inhuman. He lifted me into his arms and began carrying me down. He's probably so mad and-WAH!? He touched my butt! Well I guess it's kinda fair since I touched his butt-OW!

He threw me down again and my butt! Wahhhh! It hurts! I then turn to meet his gaze.

"Are we gonna hide in tree again Feli~?" I rapidly shook my head 'no'.
"GOOD!"He growled."Now finish your laps!" I hugged his leg.

"Please! No more!"

"There are way more worse things I can make you do! Or do to you~ "


"Che cosa!? No don't cry! Sorry! You don't have to run laps! Just stop crying!"

"Ve~" Luciano sighed as I hugged him in thanks.

"Get off i-idiota!"

"Are you blushing Luci?" I opened my eyes in wonder which seemed to make him even more redder.

"N-No! Idiota! Don't call me Luci! A-A-And close your eyes!"

"Why....?" I pouted,tearing up again,what was wrong with my eyes?

"No! Don't cry! Just! Just!" I felt warm and strong arms embrace me. Luciano was hugging me back!


"Is that all you say?"


"Thought so..."

I look up at him,smiling brightly.

"Luci! Does this mean we're best friends forever!?"

"Che cosa!?"

"Yay! We can make best friend bracelets! And have sleep overs! And wear matching boxers!"


"I need to tell Flavio!" I run off but not before hearing Lutz say,

"Ha! You got friend-zoned!"

Along with string of curses from my new best friend!


"Flavio! Flavio! Flavio!"

"Hmm? What is it Feli?"

Flavio was designing a new dress in his studio when I ran in. It was very colorful even though the walls were as white as snow the clothes on the multiple racks of all colors and texture made the room pop out.

"Me and Luci are best friends now! We're gonna make bracelets,necklaces,pasta! Throw sleepovers! Wear matching clothing-"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Flavio broke out in laughter,gripping his stomach barely breathing.

"What's so funny......?"

"N-Nothing...!" He gasped out in his laughing fit. It was like he knew something I didn't.....

"D-Does Luciano not want to be my friend..?" I began tearing up.

"No sweetheart! I was just laughing because....BECAUSE I never thought my little Luci would get a best friend!"

I smiled.

"Really!? Does that mean I'm his first best friend!?"


"Yay! I'm so happy!" I run off to make pasta to celebrate.





I snuck into Luci's room to sleep with him and maybe talk or watch a movie. Since he allowed it before.........but I was wrong.........

"Put on your clothes and get out!"

"No! Please! Just one movie!"



"What movie?!"

"I heard this one was good."

"I don't want to watch the Notebook!"

"Please! I'll leave later! And never sleep with you again! I'll also put on clothes!"

"Ugh! Fine! You can stay in your boxers though."

I somehow ended up on his lap during the middle of the movie when suddenly I felt a pressure on my shoulder. I look down to see Luciano resting his head there with half-lidded eyes. He was obviously tired.

"Wanna go to sleep Luci?"

He sleepily nods obviously too tired to care about the nickname or anything! I liked him better like this. He was so vulnerable like this. More easy to understand.

We lie down facing each other with our arms wrapped around each other prepped for sleep until Luci leans over to my ear and huskily whispers,

"Buonanotte bello."

I blush before replying.

"Buonanotte Luciano."


I don't own the Notebook and enjoy the update!

Edit: Cringey accents gone and fixed grammar. Comment if I missed anything.

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