Lesson Learned: Opposites Can Have Similarites

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I scurried down in ,what seemed, endless hallways. I don't want to be late! No! No! No! Luciano would kill me! Where is the dining hall?! Wahhh! I can't find it and I'm lost!

I felt my hand turn ,what seemed to be frozen, door knob.

My eyes met with Luciano's magenta. Why do such beautiful and captivating eyes belong to psycho?

"Feliciano" Luciano began in a husky voice as all eyes turned to me."You're late. It's 20:31(8:31pm)." I began trembling again! I'm so dead!

"Fratello calm down! Feliciano barely knows the manor. Much less the dining hall." Flavio said saving me.

"Hmp." Luciano huffed and began eating. Everyone quickly followed suit. I sat next to Flavio since he seemed the safest. I looked down at my plate to see that we're having pasta!

"Ve~" slipped out unintentionally.

"Feliciano! You're so cute! Much cuter than my fratello!" Luciano sent Flavio a warning glare which he only brushed off as if already used to it. "I see you're in the dress I designed! Do you like it?~"

"Ve~ it's really pretty! And it's also really comfortable! Its just I grew out of dresses a long time ago."

"That's understandable. What's your favorite food?"


I started rambling on about the wonders and tastes of pasta! Flavio didn't seem to mind but the other 3 seemed to be getting annoyed.

"Well!" Luciano exclaimed rather loudly. "Why don't you actually EAT the pasta. Okay?" I nodded hesitantly my every action based on fear. The spaghetti wrapped around the fork passed my lips into the cavern known as my mouth. My tongue met with the delicious pasta along with a...metallic taste. Yuck! It didn't suit the heavenly food known as pasta at all! What's in the sauce!?

"What do you think Feliciano?" Luciano asked.

"Um....well.....what's in the sauce?"

"What's wrong with the sauce?! Are you saying my cooking is bad?! That its flawed!?"

"NO! It'sJustIWantToKnowCauseIt'sSoDelicious!"

I told him even though my speech seemed incomprehensible he nodded and smirked.

"Well then I'll have to teach you how to make my special pasta!"

"O-okay." I continued on eating, having to resist gagging every second because of the sauce. Everyone else seemed fine with it! Its like they enjoy it!

I can't believe it! I finished the horrid pasta! Well it really sounds odd to hear me say that! Now for phase two of my simple plan!

"Um....May I be excused?" All eyes turned to me as if I committed a sin.

"But Feliciano I thought you really, really wanted pasta. You wouldn't stop talking about it." Luciano stated with bit of mischievous tone.


I laughed nervously after practically yelling in his face. He seemed to evaluate me for moment before he spoke.

"Alright Flavio show him to his room."

"Fine, fine fratellino! Come on Feliciano!"

I followed Flavio through endless halls. Until he finally stopped at one door.

"This is my room! Please come anytime you need anything! But not tonight I have lots of work to do tonight." I nodded and basically vowed to myself not to go there tonight. Even though Flavio is the kindest of them all his voice held this dangerous authority I didn't want to test.

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