Lesson Learned: Love is Strange

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The cafe was simple but lovable. I sipped my cappuccino, relishing the sweet taste. The lovely waitress soon brings over delicious chocolate crepes we had ordered and we thank the bella accordingly. 

Luciano sighs in delight across from me.


"Italy is just so beautiful si?" He asks in a dazed like manner, odd coming from him.

"Of course! I love it ve~!"

"So much so the country, its culture, and its people can be my only love." Ouch. Well that stung.

"But I suppose she wouldn't mind sharing me with you~"

Ahh! Of course he'd say something so cool and suave like that! I already feel my face heating up ve! He chuckles and sips his coffee.

"Hurry up and drink before your coffee gets cold." 

"O-Of course..." 

I advert my eyes to the window as we were seated next to it in high stool chairs with a high table as a counterpart. Heh, counterparts huh. I sip my coffee in thought as Luciano helps himself to the tasty crepes. I should help myself as well since they are a sweet treat.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks me abruptly. 

"Nothing, just about crepes."

"Likely so they are delicious, now eat."

"Hehe! I'd love too!" I take a bite and savor the sweet taste. Yum!

"Hey you got some on you idiot." He gently takes the napkin and wipes the corner of my mouth.

"There!" My heart sinks in disappointment, hoping he'd kiss me instead like in the movies.

Wait. WHAT!? Why'd I think something like that?! What we have is only temporary anyway! I need to get back! Dio mio! How did I lose sight of my original goal so fast?! It's barely been that long and I want him to KISS me! Che diavolo! I should've ran while I had the chance when he left me alone-


A ray of light impairs my vision slightly. I look down to see it's reflected light from the rose gold ring.

"Feliciano? Are you okay? What are you thinking about now?" I look to see Luciano's concerned gaze directed at me and I smile as my hand moves to take his.

"Just thinking about this beautiful ring ve~!"

"Huh!" His face heats up as he redirects his gaze to my held hand and the ring it bears.

"Hmph whatever! I just have good taste and that ring would've looked nice on you so I got it!"



Well things have changed from when we first met so I'll stay with him a little longer.

"Quit smiling and finish your food."

"Okie dokie captain!"

We enjoy each other's company in silence as we finish up lunch.


By the time we paid and tipped the lovely waitress it was already half past 15. (3:30 pm) So we decided to spend the next hour or two walking and chatting. The occasional window shopping was in order but no purchases were made. We both enjoy our tailored suits and designer clothes so it's nice to be able to hold a conversation about the latest Versace fashion line with someone else besides fratello. Afterwords followed the friendly family life banter, which mostly consisted of making fun of our brothers. I decided not to bring up his Grandpa Rome since he seemed so happy with just chatting of simple things. His smile is beautiful, so rare but full of life and happiness. The way his chuckle is mixed with a giggle and his grin stretches out wide to flaunt off his pearly whites. Truly gorgeous. Hehe I sound like a cheesy romance novel.

"Huh? It's getting late Feliciano."

"Huh? Oh...it is." I frown not wanting this day to end when suddenly he takes my hand and drags me over gondola harbor. He speaks with authority to the Italian Gondolier and throws cash at him as he scurries away. 

"Get in."

"Um? Luciano?" He helps me in and I sit down as the water slushes from side to side.

"We're going for a ride." He steps on and grabs the paddle expertly without losing balance before setting us off down the canal. 

"We could've just paid the gondolier to take us down himself so you could sit too."

"I want to be alone with you. We can talk like this and you look beautiful from this angle in the golden rays from the setting sun bello~" He smiles his heart stopping smile and I swear my heart almost beats out of my chest. Dio mio what he does to me.

"Don't cut yourself short, you look handsome from here too bello~" I tease him jokingly and smile when he blushes back. I take a minute to appreciate the now golden scenery thanks to the setting sun and it looks beautiful. No wonder Luciano is in love with it. It's so embarrassing that I never took the time to appreciate this. I guess I just got used to it and bored too.

"Hey Feliciano."


"Never lose that ring. I want you to wear it everyday and think of me. Capisce?

"Si!" I giggle and blush as the gondola pulls into shore.

Luciano steps out first and turns to help me. I smile and accept his help. Ah! I fall into his embrace due to my clumsy nature but at least we're still standing. I look up to meet Luciano's soft gaze and my heart stops for a second.

"And another thing Feliciano. Ti amo." 

And we share a tender kiss as the sun sets on arguably the best day of my life.

"Ti amo anch'io."


AHHHHH! What a sweet chapter! And I got it out the day after the last update! I feel accomplished! Now time for translations!

Bello/ Bella- Handsome/ Beautiful

Si- Yes (Obvi)

Dio mio- Oh my god

Che Diavolo- What the hell

Fratello- Brother

Capisce- Do you understand?

Ti amo- I love you

Ti amo anch'io- I love you too

I think that's all and the most Italian I've ever used in a chapter! Comment if you see any mistakes since I put this out fast and enjoy the chapter!

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