Chapter 13 - Is this the end?

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Caylus finally decided to go and get his stuff from his childhood home once and for all.

His emotions were all over the place as he pulled up to the driveway. He had come unannounced because he finally felt like he had the courage to do this. It also was day of the Dinner of Doom. It had been a year and a half. They had been through so much, and learnt so much about other. It just felt right to do it today, to say goodbye to the part of his life that caused him the most pain on the day it had all started. Although he suffered a lot during this time, the date of the Dinner of Doom will always have a place in his heart because there's always a light at the end of the tunnel.

There was pile of some of his stuff next to the trash, like he it had been thrown away recently, but Caylus decided to ignore it and focus on his one goal.

Caylus knocked at the door and was met with a scowl from the man standing at the door. His father. The man who had thrown him away. Caylus just pushed past him and went straight for his room. Well, his old room. He was shocked to see that half of the things in his room were gone, presumably in that pile next to the trash. That was fine though, he didn't plan on taking much anyways. He took things like his skateboard, posters and special things that held a place in his heart. He wanted to remember as little as possible about his life here. As he took his items, he let out a heavy sigh, but it was a sigh of pure satisfaction.  He didn't regret what he did one bit. Not anymore.

Kiera was waiting for him outside the door, she wouldn't dare go in the house, not after last time. She was proud of Caylus. He had been through so much during the months before, it was honestly amazing to see him finally leaving this all behind.

After months, he was going to finally accept the fact that his ex-family was never his family the people who loved and cared about him actually were his true family. His mother and father just gave him food to eat and a place to stay, but never a real home.

After he was done, Caylus looked at his room one last time. Yes, he would definitely miss all the memories made in there, but it was time for a new chapter, he was going to leave this part of his life behind for good. 

Caylus walked out of his childhood home for the last time without a word being said to his parents, he hoped they were at least proud of themselves. They did the one thing they had been threatening him with for months. His hand searched for Kiera's, and when he found it he finally walked down the steps, remembering exactly why he had done this. A year and a half ago, Kiera was crying on the very steps he was walking on. He couldn't sacrifice his Kiera. He did this for her, for himself, for his wellbeing. He did it because it was the right thing to do. 

He walked down those steps with his head held high. 

He found himself.

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