Chapter 2 - Gotta go my own way

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*Commence epic sad scene*

Caylus joined Kiera who was sitting on the steps sobbing. She had a bag slung across her shoulder. He hugged her with all he had, he could tell that Kiera was confused because she tensed up at first but then melted into his arms. Loving Kiera was one thing, but knowing that Kiera was in love with him as much as he was in love with her sent him. He couldn't believe his luck, he couldn't imagine his life without her. 

Without Kiera, his Kiera

He grown out of the habit of calling himself a simp whenever he thought about Kiera, she was his everything and nothing would get between them, except his parents of course. At the thought of his parents, Caylus  silently scolded himself and told himself he needed to focus, he had to tell her his ordeal quick, before he started to get a bit emotional too. 

The sky was dark with rain clouds, and it started to rain.

"Typical for a break-up scene."  Caylus muttered to himself. Kiera heard him say something and     gazed into his chocolate-brown eyes. They were clouded with sadness, an emotion nobody ever hoped to see on Caylus, her ray of sunshine, the very man who kept her going, was looking at her so desolately that she wanted to comfort him, although she was the one being comforted. They sat in comfortable silence along with some sniffles from Kiera for awhile before Caylus finally began, 

"I love you Kiera, i really do, i want to be there when you laugh and smile, i want to be there succor you when you're depressed. You want to sit on the floor and talk for an hour? You got it"

Kiera giggled at the reference a bit, he lived for that little giggle she would do, he instantly felt a warm fuzzy feeling, he would miss those. He pulled her closer and gazed into her emerald eyes, he wanted to keep her warm, protect her from the rain he guessed. Here he went again shielding her from anything terrible that could happen to her. It was his instinct to protect her. This wouldn't be easy.

He continued, "My father made me choose between you and family, i needed to choose my family, they pay some of my bills, being a Youtuber doesn't pay it all, unfortunately," 

He turned to look at her face, her features were clouded with thought and sorrow. Her brows were wrinkled as she thought of what to say next, when she didn't reply, Caylus continued,

"It won't be forever you know, who knows how long it would be? All i know is that i need you, i want you, i- i just can't do it right now"

He could tell her tears were beginning to fall even though it was raining, they were both soaked to the bone, but Caylus didn't care, they had each other, but not for long. He held Kiera tightly, as if she was a memory beginning to slip away before him. Kiera looked at him and spoke, 

"Don't say anymore or I'll cry. Don't even text me, you made your choice Caylus, you chose family and i can only respect that" Her voice began to crack and her lips began to waver, "please, if this is what you want to do, then promise me this, you will do it with the smile that made me fall in love with you in the first place, maybe someone someday will fall for the same smile too"

Kiera then got up and began to run in no particular direction, she didn't want to show Caylus this side of herself, she needed to stay strong until she could maybe find someone else. As much  as she wanted to, she couldn't keep waiting for Caylus. She ran and ran until her legs couldn't carry her anymore and she sat on the roadside and cried. She hoped Caylus wouldn't find her in this state. Her boyfriend (well ex-boyfriend's) parents rejected her before even getting to know her and her partner had dumped her for them, she had never felt so alone in her life, she longed for Caylus to comfort her and tell her it was okay but he wouldn't be there and she couldn't keep depending on him to fix the mess she started by dating him anyways. She got up, and walked to the nearest hotel, she would need somewhere to stay, luckily she brought a bag with her because she anticipated she was going to stay over for a few days at Caylus' parents' house(well that plan went well). She wanted to turn over a new leaf and leave this all behind, even if it was one day it felt like weeks at his parents house, by the time she got a hotel, she was exhausted. She checked-in and lay in bed. Kiera cried for the last time she would in 7 months.

Meanwhile Caylus tried to call after her but his voice had suddenly disappeared, he felt like he had failed the only important person in his life right now. Kiera, his Kiera, was gone. He snuck back into his parents house and quickly grabbed the back that had things packed in there because he thought he was going to stay a few days, he also grabbed the wine and beer that was supposed to be for his parents. He would give it away to someone who needed it more than they did. He got into the car and was immediately hit with the smell of Kiera. A tear began to fall, but he fought and held it in until he got home, to his apartment, still filled with Kiera's things, he kicked some of her clothes off the bed and lay down. He then began to sob. Caylus cried for the last time he would in 7 months.

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