Chapter 5 - Missing.. you

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this is taking way longer than i expected 😭

// TW : Abuse //

Caylus had Michelle drop him off outside the entrance to the building of his apartment, which was still filled with Kiera's things. He lay on the bed and sighed. He hadn't invited Michelle over because he couldn't find it in himself to get rid of Kiera's things, it would be humiliating for Michelle to find his ex-girlfriends things lying around. So he decided that he would visit her instead, and made up an excuse that his apartment was being renovated for now. He didn't know how long he could keep this up. I mean, he hadn't even told her that he can't get over his ex. He described Kiera to Michelle but only as negative things to keep up the fake narrative that he got over her to Michelle. 

He woke up one morning in a pool of cold sweat. He had dreamt of Kiera being shouted at by another man. She looked scared and helpless and Caylus tried to reach out to her and grab her hand but he couldn't move for some reason. He watched hopelessly as the man demanded they go to get appointment for plastic surgery for Kiera. The man looked a drunken out of his mind. He called her unspeakable things and grabbed her by the hand tightly. So tightly she winced in pain. Caylus saw the man drag her across the room as if she was an object and shoved her into the car. They drove off and out of nowhere a car appeared and- The last thing he heard before he woke up was Kiera's scream ripping through the air. This was getting unbearable now. He needed to protect her, to shield her, to love her, to make sure she never felt scared or lost, to keep her close. He kept thinking back to when Kiera had ran into the bathroom for a second time, it had been a few weeks from that incident now but he couldn't shake the thought of his mind. Was Kiera jealous? Did she still care for him? And most importantly, did she still love him? When they were in the bathroom she looked at him coldly, almost as if he was a stranger to her, so why was it that as soon as he greeted Michelle she broke into tears? He couldn't understand what was going on. Though, a little piece in his heart hoped that the reason she cried was because she still loved him, because he was still so in love with her. He even daydreamed about the day they would get back together again.. But he could only dream about being happy again. Michelle was just a filler for the void in his heart, a void that would fill with love whenever he thought about his Kiera. The love of his life. He couldn't deny that now. 

Up until now he had blamed his parents for this mess but he was beginning to realise that he wasn't strong enough for her, for them. He didn't fight off his parents and ended up losing the one he truly loved, and truly loved him back. He vowed to himself that he would make it up to her, even if it meant losing the apartment he lived in, even if it meant losing his family. He had to at least apologise, and what happened from then was up to Kiera alone. He immediately jolted up and jumped out of bed, he dressed up and headed straight to Urth Cafe. As soon as he entered the store though, he found her wrapped around a ginger-haired man making out. The man had his back to Caylus but behind the man he could tell that the woman he was making out with was Kiera. It was early in the morning and no customers had arrived yet, so it was fitting for them to share a kiss before customers arrived. Caylus' mouth fell open and he began to feel dizzy. Kiera noticed he was there and instantly pulled away from Tomo who shot her a confused look. She whispered something to him and he let her waist go. She began to fix herself up while Tomo shielded her and blocked anyone else's view from around them. This meant Kiera couldn't see ahead of Tomo either. She gave Tomo the green light and began to walk around him and towards the spot she thought Caylus was standing. However when she got there, he was gone. She spotted him running out the window with tears in his eyes. Tomo noticed Kiera's eyes begin to soften as her eyes called out for the man she was looking at to come back. Jealousy took over Tomo as he walked over to her and grabbed her hand, he led her to the storage room where he forced her to confess to who that was. He could tell that she was uncomfortable but he pushed on anyways. She was his girlfriend, not whoever that was's girlfriend. When Kiera confirmed that that man that she was looking at so lovingly was her ex, Tomo stormed out of the room and Kiera began to sob again. It was like no-one in her life was willing to love her anymore.

She decided to tell the manager she was sick and went straight home. She needed some time off, her life was a mess and the only person who could fix this was her ray of sunshine, the love of her life. She couldn't deny that after what had happened today. She began to pity Caylus as his parents had caused this mess in the first place. She even began to feel horrible as she remembered how she acted. Instead of helping Caylus through this together she acted on impulse and ran away. And even after he came to visit her in the bathroom after she cried she looked at him coldly as if she didn't love him and Caylus probably took the hint and left the bathroom. Maybe the reason Caylus came today was that he wanted to confirm that it was true that she did not love him, and when he saw her making out with another man, that probably confirmed it then and there.

Kiera had signed her own fate, there was no way Caylus would ever love her again now. Not after what she did to him. She began to pity herself. She chuckled bitterly at how stupid she had been and tucked herself in bed. Then, for the first time in months, she missed Caylus' hand that would rest on her shoulder. Kiera didn't sleep.

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