Chapter 9 - We locked eyes... again

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Kiera was a bit shocked at first, but she managed to match Caylus' rhythm quickly. They kissed for awhile until they finally broke apart, Caylus was smirking. 

"I guess that answers all the questions you were going to ask" he smirked, rubbing the back of his neck.

He looked up at Kiera's green eyes, the very eyes he fell in love with. He smiled like a love-stuck idiot. He knew he was a love-struck idiot but he didn't care. He loved her, he loved that he loved her. He loved that she loved him. He just loved everything. She made him so happy. He was just so lucky. 

They just cuddled and watched the sun rise, all the unspoken words did not have to be said, they just understood each other. People left the party one by one until it was just them and a few other people. Caylus offered to take Kiera home, her house tour was long over due. But she said she wanted to go to Caylus' apartment first. They talked the whole way to Caylus' apartment, they had to make up for lost time. It was like they just clicked, like everything that happened didn't happen. It was pure bliss. She asked whether he had gotten rid of her stuff yet. Caylus' sudden silence explained everything. She laughed at her stupid, adorable, cute, boyfriend? They would figure it out later. They would always figure it out. 

Kiera literally spent 20 minutes laughing at him. They had arrived at his apartment and everything was literally how she left it. Clothes in the washing basket, lipstick on his desk. He hadn't touched a thing. Meanwhile, Caylus' face was bright red in embarrassment, and a bit of pride. I mean, he managed to keep everything in the same place, he should have an award for this, he explained to Kiera. Caylus ended up laughing at himself too, and soon they both were rolling on the floor laughing. Just like old times, nothing had changed. The dynamic between them was just as they had left it. 

Some time had passed and Kiera was busy sorting out the clothes she had left behind, she was digging through everything like a kid during Christmas, occasionally saying "Oh that's where this was!" Caylus was scrolling through his phone as he looked up and said,

"There were many times he wanted to throw everything in the closet, lock the door and throw the key out the window," he laughed, "Including today."

He stood up and walked towards her, his face became serious as he hugged her from behind and whispered into her ear,

"I'm glad that wasn't the case."

Kiera tilted her head a bit and whispered back,

"I'm glad too."

They just stood there, eyes closed,  grinning like idiots, enjoying each other's company, as lovers do. I mean who's to say Kiera wasn't just as love-struck as Caylus was, she just didn't show it as much as he did. Kiera's phone suddenly rang. She ignored it the first time, and ignored it the second time it rang too. They was enjoying each other's warmth for the first time in months, no-one would get in between this. But as the phone rang for the third time, Kiera finally decided to answer the phone. She broke away from Caylus as he pretended to be fake-hurt and pout. She dismissed the fake-hurt look on his face with a wave of her hand and promised she would be back. She didn't even have to promise she would be back, they both knew she would be back anyways. She looked at her phone and sighed, something that didn't go unnoticed by Caylus who gave her a look in return. It was Tomo. Of all the people that could ruin their special moment, it was Tomo. She answered the phone and Tomo wouldn't stop apologizing and claiming that he still loved her. Kiera put the phone on speaker so Caylus, who was visibly cringing at this point, could hear the conversation. Kiera, who had said nothing the entire time, replied with four words, 

"I have a boyfriend."

Caylus' eyes lit up when she said this, he grinned so widely it looked like it hurt. She rolled her eyes. 'Idiot' she said to herself, well, he was her idiot then. Her love-struck, ray of sunshine idiot. And she would always love him. 

She dropped and blocked his number immediately, then she crawled into the blankets that Caylus was hogging. He had since got the two of them a blanket to share while Kiera was celebrating her mini-victory. He immediately wrapped his arm around her protectively. She sighed happily and rested her head on his shoulder. They watched some anime for a while before she could feel Caylus' ginger hair brushing across her face, he had fallen asleep on her. She stood up, careful not to wake him and got the both of them pillows. She nudged him a bit so he would fall over onto his side and sleep comfortably. She covered him with a blanket and watched as the corner of his mouth rise up as she lid into the blankets. She positioned herself so that Caylus would definitely be able to rest his hand on her shoulder and went to sleep with a small smile on her face.

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