Chapter 8 - We locked eyes

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Well shit.

Kiera, his Kiera, was literally stood across the room from him. He was frozen in place for a few seconds as he decided what to do. She had never looked more beautiful and her red dress, that's one of the reasons he noticed her in the first place. She looked stunning even now. He then remembered he was on a stage, during a performance. He picked up the mic and handed it to one of the guys on stage with him and headed straight for stairs. He headed towards her, it was now or never. 

Just as Caylus' hand reached to tap her shoulder, Kiera spun around. 

They locked eyes.

Caylus was speechless. Her makeup was stunning, SHE was stunning. The last time he saw her she wasn't wearing any. Then, Caylus remembered what happened the last time he saw her. He gently grabbed hold of her hand and led them to a secluded place, outside, where they could talk. For a long time, none of them could say anything, until Kiera finally began

"I'm sorry," is all she could manage, she had been staring Caylus straight in the eye as she said this. A tear fell onto her cheek. Caylus' hand automatically reached for her cheek, where he gently wiped away the tear. He hated seeing her like this. 

Silence. Again.

By this point Caylus and Kiera had sat down on the steps leading to the garden. Kiera was sobbing and Caylus couldn't understand why, nevertheless he had Kiera in her arms as she cried. He wanted to cocoon her from the rest of the world, to make sure she was only his.

Suddenly, Kiera started giggling, at first it was small giggles, but by the time Caylus actually looked down at her she was in a laughing fit. Caylus' eyebrows quirked in confusion but he smiled anyways, he missed her laughter. After she had finished, he opened his mouth to ask what she was laughing at. She put a finger on his lips to hush him as she began,

"I'm so stupid." she muttered. To which Caylus' eyebrows quirked even more. 

Kiera cleared her throat and continued,

"I couldn't stand living without you, i only got a boyfriend to help me cope with the pain, it honestly looked like you had betrayed me, and left me for your parents. It was supposed to be us against the world. I couldn't understand why you didn't choose me so i ran away, i didn't understand then that you were faced with an impossible choice. I should have offered to help you by organizing to work somewhere else other than Youtube. I was stubborn and didn't want to show you i loved you all this time. And i will forever regret that, maybe if i wasn't so stubborn, we would have gotten to talk things out earlier. I just wanted to let you know that i still love you, i thought you deserved to know after what you saw."

Oh my god. Caylus was literally fangirling inside. Fireworks were going off in his brain as what Kiera said registered in his brain. Caylus looked away and blinked a few times, surely he hadn't heard her correctly. Kiera? In love with him? Even now? There was no way, he turned back to face her and she looked like she was dead serious.

Oh my f*cking god Kiera didn't hate him! He managed to do a lil dancy dance while conforting Kiera at the same time. 

Silence fell over the two of them again.

"I'm sor-" she tried to apologise again.

Kiera was cut short by Caylus' lips crashing against hers. 

Back to me - A Kierlus (Kiera X Caylus) Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें