Chapter 8-The Argument

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Stan looked away from his phone, distress and misery written on his face. Kyle warily glanced at Stan.

"Are you okay?" Kyle approached Stan with caution. Stan was one of those people whose mood was constantly changing.

"It's fine. Wendy is just upset about some dumb girl drama. Apparently, someone on the dance team cheated with one of the cheerleader's boyfriends, and now there is this whole Cold War going on between the groups.

I don't know why she has to drag me into her drama, but now she wants me to be some sort of ambassador for the cheerleaders."

"Dude, just say no. You can't let a girl control you like that." Kyle volunteered sympathetically, patting Stan on the back.

"I know-I know. Let me go talk to her." Stan sighed, getting up from his seat in the cafeteria to go sit with the cheerleaders. Kenny sat down next to Eric as Stan got up.

"Wendy drama again?" Kenny asked with a raised brow.

"Stan's so whipped," Eric laughed with a smirk. Noticing that Kenny didn't have anything for lunch again, Kyle pulled out a spare PB&J sandwich and slid it silently across the table to Kenny.

"Kyle," Kenny pleaded. "You don't have to keep buying me lunch. Mr. Lou Kim usually lets me take food home after my shift at City Wok."

"I know, but you shouldn't have to wait until then to eat something," Kyle replied sternly. Out of all four of the friends, Kyle was definitely the mom of the group.


"No but's," Kyle cut him off.

"Thank you," Kenny relented, timidly taking the sandwich that had been placed in front of him. Kenny shot Kyle a grateful smile.

"I hate to interrupt your whole bromance conversation about butts, but this is just gross," Eric huffed, ruining the moment. Eric felt jealousy rise in him, watching Kyle and Kenny's sweet interaction. Eric angrily bit into his burger and gave Kyle and Kenny a dirty look.

"Fuck off," Kyle snapped with a glare.

Stan returned to the lunch table, running his hands through his tousled dark hair, looking more stressed out than before. Kyle and Kenny shared a glance knowing that it was probably best to avoid the subject of Wendy.

"I can't believe Shelly's getting married this Sunday," Kenny voiced, trying to ease the tension.

"I know, right! I never thought that fat bitch would actually find someone blind enough to marry her," Eric mocked, laughing. Stan, Kenny, and Kyle all glared at Eric. Eric raised his hands up in defense.

"I'm just saying it as it is."

"Well, I for one am happy that Skylar and Shelly are getting married," Kyle fumed, his lips pressing down into a thin line. Then, continuing with a grimace, he said, "Although, the age gap is still kind of weird."

"Yeah, didn't they meet when she was 13, and he was 22?" Kenny asked.

"Yup, I honestly didn't think they would last," Stan replied with a shrug.

The bell then rang, signaling the end of the lunch period. The four friends got up, tossed their trash away, and headed to their respective classes. When the school day was over, Kyle waited by the brick entrance for Stan. Since today was Friday, they were going to hang out at Stan's house.

"Hey Stan," Kyle greeted, nodding toward Stan when Stan exited the school building.

"Hey, Man. You ready to get your ass whipped at Red Dead Redemption 2?"

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