blissful sleep

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Ashton had been avoiding his room at all costs. As soon as he had gotten back from his shower yesterday morning, Niall had been in a vicious mood. He was yelling and breaking things. Ashton was almost sure if he didnt stop soon, he'd be put in a single. Ashton kind of hoped that would happen, but also didn't because that would have been mean.
Ashton, instead, hung out with Luke,Michael, and Calum. Turns out, they had smuggled in a lotta things. Many video games and junk food.
Ashton liked hanging out with them. They were nice enough and they didnt do much. That was just the way Ashton liked doing it.
He hadnt been going to most of his classes either. It wasnt like he was ever going to need them. Even if he did end up getting outta here, who'd want to hire someone with multiple mental illnesses?
No one.
Stupid brain, Ashton thought. It wouldnt leave him alone.  It always was pessimistic and did nothing but tear him down. He felt like he deserved it though. His stupid, fucked up brain.
When he finally had to go back to his room because of curfew, Niall was fast aleep. Thankfully.

When he woke up the next morning, Niall felt considerably better. His head wasnt screaming voices at him anymore, and he didnt feel stupid.
Stupid for sucking Harry off. Stupid for enjoying it probably more than Harry did himself. Stupid for loving the way harry fell apart at his touch. Stupid for loving a boy who practically belonged to one of his mates.

But that was over now. Hed pretend like nothing ever happened. Louis would never have to know.
After cutting himself again last night, he had instantly relaxed. Watching the beads of blood pool around the cut and trickle down the side of his body was calming.
It wasnt that hard to sneak a blade somewhere. Unless you were stupid enough to take it from the dining hall. Every knife there was plastic anyway. No, you had to go ask the art teacher for a pencil sharpener an  then "lose" it. She was so sweet and dumb she never reported it anyway.
But after Niall had cut his sides, so no one would see them, he had fallen into a blissful sleep. He woke up and headed straight to maths. Louis always saved something from breakfast and gave it to hin during then. When he arrived, he heard "Horan! Oi!" And the next second, a muffin was being hurled at his face. He caught it, saw it was carrot, the only kind he couldnt stand, which Louis knew, and knew that Louis had found out about him and harry. Or something along the lines of that.
He still ate it though. Food was food.
He crashed into his seat, next to his prick room mate. The music still blared from the arse's ears. At least the music wasnt some boyband crap, but there was better.
When the work was handed out, Niall actually didnt know  what to do. It was all a big jumble. A stupid jumble that had no meaning. No meaningful meaning, that is. He kicked the bitches chair and the cunt jumped higher than the cow jumps over the moon.
The pussy took put an earphone. "What?" He whispered.
"Help me." Niall didnt even ask. The bitch was too terrified to say no.
Abd thats exactly what happened. They spent the rest of class sitting and working on the work. It definitely was not easy, and niall's rude comments probably werent helping.
By the end of class, ashton was near tears, but the work was done, and niall headed towards lunch. Harrys head was down, and any conversation that had been going on stopped as soon as he sat down. Niall decided not to care, and just ate his feast. He had thrice the amount of food as anyone else. Louis had always said that he was jealous of how niall ate so much and still was so thin. Niall wondered too.
Speaking of louis, he kept giving niall death glares. Zayn and liam just kept to themselves and their food, not wanting to get involved.
"Can you stop it, mate?" Niall asked because the staring was making him quite uncomfortable whilst he ate.
"Can you stop being mean to Haz then?" Louis retorted.
"What are you talking about?" Niall didnt know exactly what Harry had told him.
"Im talking about how you seemingly comforted him then kicked him out abruptly the next morning! What little bitch of a lad stoops so low as to pick on someone when theyre feeling low?"
Harry placed his hand on louis' arm. Louis seemed to calm down but he was still angry.
Niall just got up and left, taking his food with him of course. He could tell when he wasnt wanted. He didnt want to be around them either. Harry couldn't even tell his little pussy boyfriend about how he let another lad give him a blow job. Whatever. It was their problem.
But now, after seeing harry in his tight shirt that showed his figure beautifully, he had a bit of a problem to take care of. And he needed to find someone to do just that.

A/n: sorry for the hiatus. Ive had some mental health problems and stuff. Thanks for all of the reads, it means so much that people actually want to read my work. Love you all xx
Also happy Harrys birthday. Baby is 4 now. Cant believe its been so long.

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