I Called But No One Answered

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Ch 2.

A bell rang throughout the room, shocking Ashton and waking him from his dreamless haze. He looked around confusedly before his roommate took a slight pity on him. "God, that's the dinner bell. No need to look like a fucking lost lamb. Didn't those mofos tell you anything when you got here?"

Ashton was slightly hurt by the boy's comment. Why would this guy feel such animosity towards him? Blondie got off his bed and made his way to the door. Ashton couldn't remember exactly where Cher had said that the cafeteria was, so he just followed the other boy. When Ashton joined him in the hallway, the blonde was surrounded by three other boys. They all stopped and stared as Ashton walked up to them. "Yo, Niall, whose this?" The tan, darker-haired one asked.

The blonde-Niall-shrugged his shoulders. "How am I supposed to know?"

"He walked out of your room idiot." The muscled one with the football player haircut said.

"Doesn't mean I know him. He's the newbie." Ashton just stood there whilst they spoke about him as if he wasn't even in the room. They were near the elevator, and when it binged, Ashton was the only one to jump in surprise. At which, the rest laughed at him. "He's like this little mouse, always jumping at shit."

Someone stepped out of the elevator and joined the group. It took Ashton a moment to realize that it was Harry, the boy from earlier. "Hey guys, what's up? I see you've met Ashton." He smiled with that ever-present grin on his face.

"So that's the little pricks name." Niall muttered.

Harry slapped his shoulder-not enough to hurt him, but enough to get the point across. "Ni, what have I told you about being so mean?" Everyone got onto the lift. There was plenty of room, but they all-except Harry-seemed keen on keeping him in the corner. Which was fine with him, he had never needed people and wasn't about to start.

"Harry, what have I told you about me not caring?" Niall retorted. The muscled one sniggered at the comeback.

"It's fine, Harry." Ashton mumbled, barely enough for anyone to hear him.

"So the mouse can actually speak." The thin one, with hair almost as long as Harry's, sassed. Ashton's cheeks burned, and he wished that he hadn't said anything in the first place. It just made the whole situation worse.

Harry shot Ashton a weak smile as they all stepped out of the elevator. Remembering that he still didn't know where to go, Ashton followed but kept some distance between him and the five of them. He still heard what they were saying though. Most of it came from Niall and the thin one, and it was some of the meanest things he had ever heard. He didn't understand why they would say those things. It wasn't like they actually knew him. At least Harry didn't join in.

Soon, they were at the dining hall and split ways. The five of them over to get food and Ashton to find some place in the corner that wouldn't attract attention. There was a long table in the back where he sat down on the end. The dining hall wasn't grand or anything; just a couple of table and chairs. There were a lot of people there though; at least fifty of them that were around his age or older. A couple of teenage girls sat at the next table over, and he could hear their silly and stupid conversations. They were talking about him; it seemed everyone was.

"You ask him!"

"No; you!"

Outcast (A Nashton Based 5SOS/1D AU Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now