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Ashton was freaked out, to say the least, when Niall and Harry came knocking on the door. The atmosphere felt completely uncomfortable, so Ashton did what he always did when problems began to arise: he ran.

He went to Luke's room, since Luke was the only one he felt comfortable around. He knocked on the door, and when he heard a faint "Come in!" through the door, he stumbled in to find Luke laying on his bed in his boxers, and Michael and Calum sitting together on the other bed. The fact that Luke was in his boxers did not excape Ashton.

"Hey, mate, what's up?" Luke asked, clicking around on his computer. Michael and Calum were playing something on the telly placed on one of the desks. Luke had a much more technologically advanced and bigger room than he had seen. Not that he had seen many in this place.

"Got kicked outta my room. Thought I could chill with you for a bit." He mumbled, awkwardly standing by the door. Luke waved him in, and he sat up in his bed to make room for Ash to sit.

Ashton did notice, however, that Luke was very fit. Like he had thought before, he was way too pretty to be purely male. There had to be something feminine dominating his genes. Luke's legs defintely belonged on a girl, though. They went on for miles and were probably just as skinny as the boy from Niall's group were.

Ashton sat at the edge of Luke's bed, still not entirely comfortable with the fact that Luke wasn't clothed properly.

Michael suddenly looked at him and held out an extra controller. "Ya play Fifa? We have an extra controller, if ya want."

Ashton shook his head. "I don't like Fifa."

All three heads turned to look at this anomaly of a teenage boy. Like, what boy-teebage boy-didn't like Fifa?

Calum decided to voice those thoughts. "Who doesn't like FIfa?"

"I'm sorry. man, but we can't be friends anymore." Michael teased.

Luke nodded his head solemnly. "Sucks really. 'Specially since we have these." He reached behind him into a small alcove between his bed and the wall and pulled out a bag of barbecue chips, Ashton's favourite.
Ashton fake pouted until Luke finally caved and gave him some.
Then Ashton got curious about where Luke had gotten the food. "Luke?" He asked.
"How did you even get these in here?" All three boys started to chuckle.
"Well, you see," Luke smiled. "Every now and then, this guy comes in to visit a small group of us. He asks what we want and then he brings it the next time he's here. We just give him whatever he asks for and it's all a done deal."
"So, basically, we have connections." Micheal summarized.
"What does he make you do?" Ashton's curiosity burned.
Calum shrugged. "It's different for everyone. Depends on what he wants from you."
"Okay. Enough of this serious stuff. You do like movies, don't you?" Michael teased their new friend.
Ashton nodded his head and blushed. Michael and Calum set up a movie, one Ashton hadn't seen before, The Purge.
Ashton had never been a fan of scary movies. Not that he'd seen many. He would have much rather seen a comedy, or just a movie that made him smile. If he even deserved to smile, that is.
As soon as the movie started, Luke seemed to notice the other boy's discomfort. Still in his boxers, he shifted more into the middle of the bed. Even though Ashton saw the weirdly tall boy's movement, he still jumped when he felt a pair of arms snake around his waist and pull him back. He blushed when he felt his back hit a hard chest. He looked behind him to see Luke staring at the telly, but there was a sly smile making an appearance, lighting up his adolescent features. Ashton turned back around and looked down at his body, in between Luke's legs, and Luke's hands, placed atop both of his, resting against his stomach. Suddenly, he didn't feel so scared anymore.
AN: Hey, everyone!! Sorry its so short. Im actually updating using my phone at a little pub I like to go to for lunch sometimes. Everyone is watching a football game, so its a little hectic. So I hope you liked it, and I may update sooner than you expect!!

Dedication to CameoMalik for being, like, one of the most amazing readers ever. Thank you so much for voting and commenting!!

Outcast (A Nashton Based 5SOS/1D AU Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now