Fags and Blow Jobs

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"Yo, Jonas!" Niall spotted one of the hotter guys, Nick Jonas, heading from the cafeteria at the same time as he was.

The hottie turned towards the sound of his name. He was confused as to why Niall was calling him, he didn't usually associate with his crowd unless he needed something. " 'Sup, Horan?" He did the bro nod thing.

"You in the mood for giving me a fag?" He asked. This was one of their arrangements. Jonas was one of those lads who only played for the other team, and he enjoyed sucking people off. For Niall, it was a win-win situation. He got an org asm and a cigarette pretty much for free.

"Sure, mate. Back stairwell in ten?"

"Yeah, better be there."

At that, Nick walked off to go back to his room to get prepared, a.k.a. grab a pack of smokes and brush his teeth. Niall also went to his room, that he had to share with a c unt but what could he do,  but he only went to grab his lighter. He was already pretty hard, seeing Harry in that tee-shirt had done wonders. And they were definitely the good kind.

WIthin ten minutes, he was waiting for Jonas to show up with his fag and a blow job. He was sitting on the stairs, and he was stroking his hard-on through his jeans. God, it felt like it had been so long since something else other than his hand had touched his d ick, and he could not wait until Nick finally f ucking showed up.

Jonas showed up with a pack of Marlboro cigarettes and a clean mouth which were both soon put to good use. Niall threw his head back and revelled in the feeling of Nick's mouth bobbing up and down on his c ock. Nick wasn't the best at blow jobs, but he wasn't half bad.

Whilst Nick sucked him off, Niall lit up a cigarette and took a drag, allowing the smoke to fill his lungs and calm his nerves. Sure, a cigarette would raise his heart rate, but the feeling calmed him, so he kept doing it.

He kept smoking whilst Jonas was sucking him off and it felt f ucking amazing, if he said so himself.

"Oh, crap, um, I'm sorry, I'll just- I'll umm, I'll just go." Niall and Jonas's heads both turned toward the flustered boy who kept tripping over his own words. It was his c unt of a room mate.

Ashton just turned and went back the way he came. Stupid, Stupid he thought to himself.

Niall just sighed out more smoke, leaned his head back, and continued to let Jonas suck him until he came.


Oml sorry for being away so long, I wana keep this short (like this chapter lol) Just had a lot going on. I wana start doing quick, short updates, so hopefully I stick with it. Thank you so much for just about 1k reads. It means a lot. Just think if everyone who read also voted haha ;)




Ana xx

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