Mrs. Henshenburner

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Ch. 4

Ashton didn't do much after Luke had dropped him off on his floor. He just went to his room and lied down on his bed, not feeling in the mood to do anything but stare at the ceiling. For the amount of time he spent staring at the ceiling, he definitely deserved an interesting pattern. It was plain and smooth with a couple of dents and smoke stains across it. Sometimes Ashton would think up crazy situatiions about how they ended up there. Ashton used to be very creative; sometimes he would create music or short little stories that always ended up with a happy ending. Now, most of the ones the thought up ended with triggering thoughts.

Ashton felt like if he couldn't do physical harm, he could at least take what abuse his mind could give him.

Whilst he pondered his thoughts, Luke  and his other friends came to mind. Michael and Calum, he recalled. They seemed nice enough. Luke though. Luke just didn't even give a shit. He was all self confident and Ash was just, not.

It wasn't fair really because why was he so self confident, and why couldn't Ashton be? It wasn't self confidence per say. It was more like Ashton felt like he deserved it. The voices told him, and Ashton never started taking his meds, only hiding them under his tongue until he could get to the toilet to flush them.

He was luckily asleep by the time Niall came back to the room, and Niall, who didn't even like that cutting faggot, just let him be; just slipping underneath his covers and into his own world of dreams.


Ashton actually decided to go to his classes this time, so he stuck all of his books into his red backpack. He skipped breakfast, but he had been doing that so he assumed it was okay. When one of the annoying bells rang, he left the room with his headphones blaring Green Day so loud that if anyone had been near him, they would have been able to hear every drop of the beat, guitar solo, and every lyric clearly.

He found his way to the education wing, where academics took place. Going to his first class, he looked at his timetable. It was maths with Mrs. Henshenburner. Who the fuck was that? Plus, what the hell? He had maths in the fucking morning? Who thought of that shit?

He walked into the class, only to be greeted by an old lady. Nearly old as dirt, the granny was. But Ashton wasn't going to be mean or disrepect her in any way because he had his limits and this was a sweet old lady. Her grey hair was pulled into a tight bun and she was more than six inches shorter than Ashton.

"Hello, darling, you must be Ashley-I'm sorry, I mean Ashton." She corrected herself, pushing her glasses up her nose. Ashton was late since he was trying to find his way around, so the entire class heard Mrs. Henshenburner mispronounce his name and they sniggered. He looked around at the people and noticed it was very small. Only ten or fifteen people. He noticed three of those kids sitting in the back of the class, making snide remarks and laugh and just being idiots. "Well, dear, you can choose any place to sit. Go ahead." She gestured.

There weren't exactly a lot of options. He looked around at the empty seats. One was next to the three jokers, and there was one next to a tan boy with honey hair and way too tight skinny jeans who was giving him dirty glares, and another two seats down from that right next to-

Niall, what the fuck?

Niall was not supposed to be in this class. And why wasn't he sitting with his friends? Plenty of questions rushed through Ashton's mind as he tried to choose between his limited options. He could either sit next to the three-the muscled one, the stick thin one, and the tattooed one with the eyes, the boy with skinny jeans who glared at them, or Niall.

Mrs. Henshenburner gestured for him to go to a seat again with a high-pitched, sweet voice that was so fake he cringed. He went with the one he obviously had the best chance with.


Niall gave him a glare that would've been deadly had Ashton even cared. It was usual, and he just ignored it. He sat down, taking his backpack from his shoulder. Niall just plugged in his headphones as Mrs. H, as Ashton took to calling her since her name was so long and tedious, passed out a worksheet. Ashton followed suit and finishe the worksheet within minutes, having learned most of the criteria years ago.

When Niall tapped his shoulder, Ashton cringed and flinched badly. Let's just say he didn't like getting touched, especially by people who bullied him. Luke was an exception. He was all nice and cute and stuff.

Ashton popped out one headphone to listen to what Niall had to say. "First, dude, your music is louder than an air horn, like everyone can All Time Low so turn it the fuck down. Ssecond, since you're oh so high and might and smart, show me how the fuck this shit works, 'cos I gotta pass this cunt's class somehow."

So, rather awkwardly, Ashton helped his bully-not his biggest one but still a bully-out with figuring out the pythagorean theorem, something he had learned in sixth grade since he was "oh so high and mighty and smart".

When the bell rang, Ashton grabbed his bag and ran out of the room, not letting out a sigh of relief until he was well away. That was stressful, having so much interaction with someone he thought hated him. Maybe he still hates hime ven.

Niall was disappointed in himself when Ashton practically ran from the room crying like the fucking little wimp he was. Niall looked down to gather his things, but he noticed that a small green iPod, the one with the wheel spinner from like the year two thousand, and a pair of dollar store black headphones were lying there underneath Ashton's seat. Now having another excuse to talk to the hazel-eyed lad, because yes he did know how to use the Pythagorean Theorem but wanted an excuse to talk to Ashton and didn't know why, Niall followed him out of the room.

Sadly, when he reached the hallway, Ashton was nowhere to be seen, so NIall simly pocketed the music device and went on with his day, planning to just place it on Ashton's bed without him even noticing. He didn't want to be accused of stealing or snooping. Although, he was curious to see what kind of music the cutter listened to. He definitely could hear the All Time Low, but was it all punk rock? Maybe different genres, different bands.

Niall shook his head to clear the stupid crappy thoughts. Why would he think these things about that arse anyway? Who caares what kind of music the whiny bitch listens to?






AN: Hey guys. I decided to update today. I hope everyone enjoyed what they read and I get it if it sounds all confusing. It'll all work out. I really enjoy the comments and votes this book has received. It makes me feel special. xox

Just saying, I am in no way glorifying any self harm or mental/physical disorders with this. I have a freaking mental disorder and I self harm so please don't think I'm ignorant or stupid or anything. This is just to put my thoughts down on paper. If you don't like it, don't read it. If you guys want, I can put warnings where there are triggers so you know not to read them if you can be triggered. TBH some of this stuff triggers me; like wtf is up with my mind.

Also, question: Do you guys like it when Niall is this mean? Generally he's really happy but I decided to make it different. I absolutely hate the way he treats everyone though.

If everyone treated everyone the way Ashton Irwin treated everyone, than the world would be rainbows, happiness, sunshine, butterflies, and unicorns.

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