Little Slut

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Ever since Niall was caught by Ashton in the act of receiving a blow job, he had felt weird. It was an unexplainable feeling. He didn't know how to describe it. He wasn't embarrassed, h ell no, he had been caught in way more promiscuous activity by people he cared about more than that stupid prick.

He wasn't proud or anything, not that he was humble either. He just didn't care what the b itch thought of him, but then why was he feeling weird?

He tried to shrug the feeling off, but it wouldn't go away. He just had to ignore the constant nagging in his brain.

After the incident in the stairs, Niall just continued through his day like usual, except without talking to Louis and Harry. Harry wouldn't even look him in the eye, and every time he spoke with Louis, the other lad would just end up b itching to him about some s hit or other. How it was all nialls fault that Harry was upset and in an untalkative mood, but in reality, Harry was the one who let Niall suck him off. Niall wanted Harry to be happy, so if he had said no, niall would have stopped immediately. It wasn't fair that all the blame was only on Niall. Harry didn't stop him, or make any move to stop him, so he must've wanted it too, right?

He laid there for the next few nights and was feeling pretty terrible. He skipped classes and therapy, he stopped going to meals. The only class he even showed up to was his first because Louis, even though he was still mad, threw him a muffin, usually carrot, or some other breakfast food. He really hated carrot muffins.


Harry didn't know what to do anymore. He either loved Louis or he hated him. It was so confusing. Harry was tired of all these mood swings. And not the ones just from him, Louis was having drastic mood swings as well. All Harry wanted to do was go back to Niall, but he couldn't let what happened last time happen again. Plus, he bet Niall was still angry with him.

Harry didn't know what led him to do it. He didn't know why he kept thinking of it. He knew deep down that he was just using Niall, that it was unfair, but Niall was just there and so willing.

That's how he found himself knocking on Niall's door, after curfew. Harry, being the irrational little s hit he was, didn't even care that Niall had a roommate. Or maybe he just forgot, let's just go with that.

But Niall, luckily, opened the door instead of the roommate whose name Harry didn't care to remember at that exact moment. Harry launched himself at him, attaching their lips. Niall didn't immediately respond, but as soon as it sunk in, he tangled his fingers in Harry's hair to pull him in closer. Their tongues intertwined, and Niall loved every bit of it. He'd been waiting so long for this.

Reason was disregarded. Every shred of sanity had left the two long ago. Their bodies burned for one another. Every touch of skin lit a new trail of fire between the two boys. The attraction between them made the entire room burn with its intensity.

They moved closer to the bed, the back of Niall's legs hitting it, causing him to fall back with Harry on top of him. Their crotches rubbed together, both desperate for some sort of friction. They wanted something, anything. Not only wanted, but needed. The sexual tension between the two was outdated, had been going on for such a long time.

When Niall had first came here, Harry had been so terribly nice and inclusive even if Niall himself was a bit of a d ouchebag at first. Understandably.

Harry's hand moved from frisking Niall's sides, down to the waistband of the shorts he was wearing. His hands reached around Niall's length, Niall moaning from Harry's touch. Niall, not wanting him to be the only one receiving, pushed Harry away for a desperate moment, but quickly flipped them so he was on top.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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