Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Curtis had a plan to get Jessica and Bernard back together but he'd have to wait till the next day to execute it. The workshop was closing for the night and Toy Santa needed to be supervised. Meanwhile, Jessie had a plan of her own and she had to strike when her husband and his number two were occupied. Quitting time was when Bernard was most active. He'd pace up and down the workshop ensuring tools were stored properly and floors were swept clean. Seizing her opportunity Jess snuck away from her workstation. Thankfully the paint center was relatively close to one of the large staircases. Ensuring Bernard was properly occupied, she crept up the stairs and into the Research and Development Department.

"Ello Jess!" Quitin greeted her cheerfully when she entered. "We're just about to close up for the day. Can I help you with something?"

"Hopefully." Jess replied. "Can you keep a secret?"

"I'm an elf. Secrets are a big part of my life." The research elf pointed out dryly.

"Point taken." Jess nodded with understanding. "Listen, I know you don't own me any favors...but I could really use one."

"What kind of favor are we talking about?" Quintin asked cautiously.

"I need an E.L.F.S. jetpack." She explained.

"Couldn't you just..."

"Yes, I could just ask E.L.F.S. but they'll want to know what I need it for, and I kind of can't tell them." Jess bit her lip. She knew coming to Quintin would mean sharing her plans with him but now she worried he might not actually help her.

"Well why not?"

"I need a jetpack so I can go visit Charlie, but I don't want Bernard to know I'm going until after I've left." Now Quintin understood. The tension between the head elf and his wife hadn't gone unnoticed by the other department heads. "I know this would be putting you in an awkward situation." Jess added. "But I swear all I'm doing is going to see Charlie and my family. I just, I need a break. Only for a few days. Which according to Curtis and Bernard is the longest I'd be able to stay down there anyway..."

"Jess, I'll help you." He interrupted. Although she hadn't been an elf very long, Quintin had always considered Jess one of his good friends."I've got a few spare jetpacks here in the shop." He motioned for her to follow him. She followed, glad that he'd agreed to help. "I've been trying to work on a way to up the thrusting power of the jetpacks. So far we've been unsuccessful, but lucky for you it means there's a free jetpack." He easily located the only fully functional jetpack among two or three that had been torn apart. "Here you go." Quintin handed the jetpack off to Jess with a smile.

"Oh, thank you!" Jess gushed. She cradled the jetpack on one arm and pulled him into a hug with the other. "Oh Q, you're a lifesaver!" She had no idea where the nickname had come from, but now that Jess thought about it, Q seemed like a perfect nickname for the elf in charge of research and development.

"What should I tell Bernard, if he ask me how you left the pole?" The Head researcher questioned. While he was glad to help his friend, he was still rather found of his job.

"Well, I'd say tell him the truth, but if you're worried he freak, just tell him I stole it. I'll argue with him about it when I get home." Jess shrugged. Her leaving the pole was going to turn into an argument anyway, so there was no point dragging Quintin down too.

"He might not even ask me." Quintin shrugged in return, but Jess could tell he was still worried about Bernard's reaction. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." He insisted. You'd best get going..."

"Right!" Jess agreed. She quickly laced one of her arms through each of the straps on the jetpack before leaving the department. From the balcony of the main workshop floor Jess could see that most of the elves had already left for the day, though there were still a handful of departments that had yet to pass the Head Elf's inspection. Bernard was currently arguing with the head elf of the doll department and the rest of the elves on the floor were busy either cleaning or watching their argument. Without even a glance over her shoulder, Jess crept out of the workshop. Mission success. She whispered to herself as the jetpack's thrusters activated and she began soaring over the Pole.

"Let me get this straight, you are De-Santafying?" Laura asked her ex-husband as they paraded into the kitchen with Neil and Charlie in tow. The four of them had just come home from their meeting with Principal Newman and Scott explained his situation on the car ride home. "And you only have twenty seven days to find a wife or you're out?"

"Yeah." Scott nodded solemnly before sliding onto one of the Miller's stools at their breakfast bar.

"What are you going to do?" She continued to question him. "We dated for three years before you got up the courage to propose!"

"That's a pretty serious commitment issue, isn't it Scott?" Neil piped up. Old habits certainly died hard between these two. Even after their newfound respect for each other, neither man could resist the temptation to jab at the other whenever the opportunity presented itself.

"Why yes it is, Sigmund." Scott replied sarcastically. The father of Christmas rolled his eyes. Something that he did very rarely at the Pole. "I was afraid I'd mess up the first time. I'm more afraid now."

"Dad you can't give up!" Charlie insisted. He knew he was on thin ice with his parents, but his dad had to stay Santa Claus. "There's never been a better Santa than you!"

"I appreciated that, Sport." Scott told him seriously. "But maybe it's for the best. If I had spent more time with you, maybe you'd spend less time in the spray paint industry."

"Don't do that to yourself, Scott!" Laura pleaded. "You have been a great Dad, and being Santa has made you an even better man. Plus if you'd never become Santa Jess wouldn't have ever have met Bernard."

"Don't remind me." Scott grumbled. Laura and Neil looked back at him with confusion. Charlie on the other hand seemed to know exactly what his dad was talking about.

"Did I forget to mention that Jessie called..." The youngest Calvin mumbled. Normally Neil would make a comment about marital troubles running in the family, but he couldn't bear to make a joke at his step-daughter's expense.

"Mom I'm home!" A young voice called from the front door. "And you'll never guess who I found!" Neil and Laura's now six year old daughter, Lucy, entered the kitchen holding hands with a very familiar painter elf.

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