Ch. 6

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Damian Wayne:
After leaving the house to get away from the most atrocious sound a baby's cry (terry Wayne will be in this). Now that this new biological son has come. I don't have any leverage to be there anymore. Father has made it quite clear that he does not like how I act but I can't see what I am doing wrong. After these continuous thoughts, I decided to go to the one place I feel secure 'The Gotham zoo'. Most of the time animals can be easier to be around than people.
I went to sit on a bench near the tigers after about 1 hour of sitting. A pale boy with a cat on his head sat next to me.

"Hi," said the boy

when he looked up I saw the most beautiful pair of crystal blue eyes I have ever seen. He had a comforting aura that made me feel everything was going to be alright.

I said "hello"

I and the boy who said his name was Danny talked for a while. He told me he came to the zoo to talk to the animals. We got along pretty quickly by discussing how animals are the most loving beings and how they can be more like people than people. Before we knew it was 1:30 pm so we decided to go and get food nearby at The Lebanese restaurant Tarbooshes. After we ate he then started to leave. I did not want him to go so

I asked "Do you want to come to my house"

He looked at me and said "okay as long as I get to bring Ashes"

At that, we both headed to Wayne manor.

Danny pov:
When we got to the manor I saw Damian was shocked when he didn't see my face change. Tbh even though Wayne manor is gigantic in human terms. But after you see the Ghost zone with a huge castle and green sky it's pretty hard to be surprised about anything. Especially when you're a ghost that defies the law of reality and physics.

As Damian knocked on the door a gental old man dressed like a butler opened the door.

"Ah Master Damian welcome back I see you have brought back a guest," said the butler

" This is Fenton, Pennyworth he will be staying here for dinner," said Damian

"I see welcome sir, Fenton I hope your visit is pleasant," said the butler named pennyworth.

" Thank you, mister, I'm sure it will," I said

After that, I and Damian walked inside and when we did I understood why Damian left. This horrible wailing sound made me almost cut my ears off. I saw what it was when we walked into the living room. It was a 2-year-old boy and a six-month-old girl ( I know Helens is actually older then Damian but I want younger kids in this story) surrounded by one man, 3 boys, and one girl trying to calm them down they all looked pretty exhausted so I let out my aura to calm them down.

We have been trying for days to get Terry and Helena to calm down. Ever since we found them after Talia gave us a hint and Selina left her on the doorstep to take care of.

Then Damian and the kid from yesterday's Danny walked in.  He headed towards the two babies when they noticed him they both stopped crying and started to reach for him. All of us almost started to weep for joy even Bruce who looked the most haggard. He looked towards us saying if it was alright to hold them.

"YES!" everyone said except Alfred. He took a step back in shock then he picked up both of them. As soon as they felt comfortable they both were fast asleep. All of the bat fam made a silent eye communication coming to a unanimous decision.

Danny pov:
After the two fell asleep I saw Bruce coming towards me and he said.

"Would you like to babysit for cash of course" in a hint of pleading but if you did not know him well or had soul search you would've not been able to tell.

My mouth was left agape and I said
"Wait 😦 what".


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