Ch. 2

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( if you don't understand why his costume changed it's because I feel now that he is op and in another universe it should reflect that.
Ps: only the pic belongs to me the video belongs to there respective owner. On with the show.)

Danny phantom POV
My eyes were red and puffy from last night. I feel that with everything that happened I am taking it a lot better I guess with me being a ghost and my crazy life this made me to expect this even though it still hurts.
To keep it of my mind I decided to look through my backpack 🎒 to see what I have. A wallet with a note that said
Dear Daniel
I have prepared a never ending supply of cash for use and a card to use in the bank. I am so sorry for all that's happened. I didn't get to explain much so now I feel it is time to explain what all happened. Vlad and the G. I.W launched a missile in the ghost zone destroying both your worlds you were to weak to stop it after Dan. With your DNA 🧬 which is half ghost keeps your half human alive and Vice versa you should be the only survivor. Which is why the ghost zone chose you as it's core so we could survive by starting over but you would never exist. So I sent you young Daniel to a new universe you being there might change there coarse and add things unseen. Now my advice to you is too not stay in the past and move forward find a new half life to live.
From C.W.
And some extra clothes with daily necessities and my information for schools, hospitals, and if I get a job.
As Danny Fenton my parents are busy scientists that work all over the world. As Jack and Maddie Fenton they never came back after a trip to Antarctica to test ice caps and other expeditions. My sister Jazz Fenton died in a car crash coming home from the store she was homeschooled so she could take care of me she died when I was 14 years old.
Well that should take care of most things I guess I should fly around and look for a cleaner and less suspicious place to live.

Danny Fenton POV

I have lived here for about a month I found a abandoned mansion at the edge of Gotham to explain the money Clockwork gave me there's a grave behind it to grief for the loss of my friends and family. While I was looking through the dark mansion which didn't effect me with my ghostly powers I could see perfectly fine. I found a cat with green eyes that seemed to glow a little but then turned to blue she had white fur that looked like ash was covering the white fur. With my soul search that kinda works to let me see the auras of living things and who they are I don't like to use it often as it's a invasion of privacy Imao. She died by hypothermia from being abandoned by her owners she says you are like me and with our powers we could see each other's past. She wanted me to be her new owner so I named her ashes because of her fur.

It was around noon on exactly a month of being here I was lying on my black canopy bed with neon green bed spread with a DP sign on it. As I was flipping through channels I see the justice league attacking a vagabond ghost which is just a normal spirt without a obsession now prior to this I have not done any thing hero related with trying to get settled and feeling the superheroes had it covered. But as I was here in this universe I accidentally simulated the ecto energy. Which now has caused vagabond ghost and obsession ghost to form with me being the core. Now I have to help them all crossover to the ghost zone. The JL was getting beaten because they could not touch it.
" oh I guess it's my turn I am going ghost" a bright flash appeared I then went intelligible and invisible and flew out of the mansion to near the daily planet in Metropolis.

3rd POV

"Everybody stop!!!" Came a young voice from a  skinny albino tween with neon green eyes in between the two parties.
Everybody just stared at the figure for what seems like hours but was really just seconds until.
"Uh hi um this is kinda my jurisdiction"

Flash POV
How in the world did this kid that is weirdly glowing with creepy green eyes appear this is not scientific although we have aliens.

Superman POV
Well this day just got weird real quick. I think I need a vacation.

3rd POV
As Batman narrows his eyes till next time.

( hope you liked it till next time stay ghosty 👻)

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