Chapter 8: Troll In The Dungeons, We Live in the Dungeons

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Eva's POV:

"HE WHAT?!" I screech when I hear the news. Harry Potter not only didn't get punished for disobeying Madam Hooch, he got rewarded with a spot on the Gryffindor Quidditch team as seeker. Bloody typical. 

This school always did have an agenda against Slytherin and for Gryffindors. It's ridiculous. "I know, I couldn't believe it either. Bet you he gets knocked on his arse the first game." Daphne grumbles. "Of course he made the team. Saint Potter can do no wrong." Draco mutters. 

I nod in agreement. "Isn't Slytherin playing Gryffindor for the first match of the season?" Blaise asks. "I believe so." I reply. "Well, why don't you talk to some of your Quidditch friends. I'm sure they'll play dirty to get back at Potter." He suggest. I nod. 

"You are right, but I'd rather see Potter fail on his own against Adrien, but if need be, I'll talk to Marcus just in case." I say. They all nod, grinning at the idea. I race off to find my friend. "MARCUS!" I call out to him. He whips around and grins at me. "Eva, what can I do for you?" 

"I need a favor, you heard about Potter, right?" I ask. He nods. "Who hasn't?" "Well, if Adrien can't match him, show him he shouldn't get too comfortable being Hogwarts' golden boy." I suggest. He grins wickedly. 

"Of course, you know how much fun we have playing those arrogant sobs. They won't know what hit them." He grins, walking off. I grin and head off to find my other friends. I run in to Cedric on the way. "Oh, hey Ced, where are you off too?" I ask. 

"Quidditch practice. A little late for my taste, but the teams this year are going to be good." I grin at him. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do perfectly fine." He laughs. "That's for the reassurance. I'll catch you later Eva." He says. I nod and he jogs away. 

I take off one more, finding my friends in the Slytherin Common Room, messing around instead of doing homework like they should be. "You lot would be doomed without me." I tell them as I take my place next to Draco. 

"Oh please, you're not doing anything productive either." Blaise tells me. "That's because I finished my homework the other day. I have time to goof around when I don't have work. Just unnecessary stress honestly. They all just shrug and go back to what they're doing. 

A few weeks go by and soon it's Halloween. We're in Charms and I'm currently trying to perfect Draco's pronunciation of Wingardium Leviosa." "You seriously aren't hearing how I'm saying it, are you?" I ask. He huffs. "Well, maybe if you did it first then I would be able to get it." He says. 

I roll my eyes, but get out my wand. "Wingardium Leviosa." I say clearly, doing the motion. My feather that was resting on the table in front of us starts to float. "Well done! See here class, Miss Dobreva's done it! Ten points to Slytherin." Professor Flitwick praises. 

I smirk and lower the feather. Soon I see Granger do the same. Honestly, she tries so hard to be as good as me, but always falls short. Kind of expected though, given her parents. After Charms we go about our day and soon it's time for the Halloween Feast in the Great Hall. 

Everyone is currently enjoying the numerous amounts of sweets they served for dessert. "Hey E, do you do have any Pumpkin Pasties over there? Theo ate all the ones over here." Daphne asks. "I did not!" Theo calls. I just laugh and pass the sweet. 

When I turn back to my plate I see Draco holding something out for me. I grin when I see it's one of my favorite sweets, an acid pop. Most people don't like these cause of the sourness, but I quite enjoy them. These and peppermint toads are my favorites. 

Suddenly the doors to the Great Hall bang open and Professor Quirrell rushes in. "TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!" He yells. Everyone goes quiet as Dumbledore stands to his feet. He stops always to the teachers table. "Thought you ought to know." 

With that he passes out and everyone starts screaming in terror, me included. How did a bloody troll even get inside the castle!? Draco hauls me to my feet and starts dragging me away from the bench. 

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore yells, effectively shutting everyone up as well as freezing everyone in their places. "Everyone will please not panic! Now...Prefects will lead their House back to their dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons. My eyes widen. 

"We live in the dungeons!" I whisper yell. My friends' eyes widen. "So basically we're being led toward the danger?" Pansy asks, horrified. "Well, if we can make it to our Common Room we should be fine." I say. "SHOULD BE?!" Daphne whispers. 

I just shrug as we continue to follow the Slytherin Prefects towards the Common Room. As we get closer and closer to the dungeons I can't help by think how reckless this school is with it's student's safety. Honestly. 

We finally reach our Common Room and all my friends let out a breath of relief as we take our seats on the couches. "Bloody idiots I tell you." Theo says. "Honestly, what did they expect us to do if we came across the troll?" Blaise asks. 

"Well, I'm sure one of the seventh years could have handled it, but I agree, this school doesn't think too much about the safety of it's students." Daphne expresses. I nod, fully agreeing with her. "Alright, well, I'm exhausted. Coming Daph, E?" Pansy asks. Daphne and I nod, standing up. 

The boys follow suit. "Hey, tomorrow's the first quidditch game, right?" I ask. They all nod. Excitement floods me. "Come on girls, I'm tired and we still need to figure out what we're wearing!" I exclaim. 

I grab onto both of their hands and tug them towards the staircase that leads to the girl's dormitories. They eagerly follow me while I can practically hear the boy's eyes rolling at our excitement. I ignore them. 

I love Quidditch and I'm not going to let them or the fact that Harry flipping Potter made the Gryffindor team damper my mood. 

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