Chapter 6: First Day of Classes

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Eva's POV:

The next morning I wake up to Amethyst licking my face. I groan. "Stop it." I grumble, pushing her away from my face. She does as told and goes back to laying at my feet. I check the time. Time to get up.

I slowly slid out of bed and slip on my robe and slippers before entering the bathroom with my clothes. I change quickly and then do my hair. Once it's styled like normal and I'm am dressed in my brand new set of robes I exit the bathroom to find Daphne and Pansy starting to wake up.

"Morning you two. Might want to hurry. I'm about to head down for breakfast." I tell them. They just mutter a few words that are indistinguishable and go into the bathroom. When they come out twenty minutes later they look a little less dead. "Ready?" I ask.

"No, but we don't really have a choice, do we?" Daphne asks. "No, you don't. Just think, today is the first day of school." I say. "So what. It's not like it's the last day." Pansy says. I roll my eyes and stand up from my bed, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Whatever, come on." I say, gesturing towards the door. Groaning the two of them follow me out the door and to the Common Room. When we get down there Draco and the others are just getting there as well. "Morning." I say cheerily.

"I forgot how much of a morning person you were." Draco says. I walk over to him and he wraps an arm around me, leaning on my to support him in his tiredness. "Get off, you're heavy." I groan. "Nope, I am quite comfortable." He says. I sigh, knowing that I won't win this one.

We finally reach the Great Hall and go to the Slytherin table. As we're eating Uncle Sev comes up to us. "Good luck today, although I doubt you'll need it. You lot are by far the brightest kids in your year. The others are most likely idiots." He says in his bored tone. I smirk.

"Well obviously. It's our duty to make sure they know that they're not as good as us." I remind him. "Yes, indeed." With that he hands us our timetables and leaves. I look it over. Not bad. Pretty basic courses if I do say so myself. I check the time once we've all finished breakfast.

"It's almost time for Transfiguration with the Gryffindors, we better hurry. Don't want to be late, now do we?" I ask them, standing to my feet and slinging my bag over my shoulder. My friends nod and follow suit. With haste we walk into Professor McGonagall's classroom.

There's names on the desks, assigning who we will be sitting with. I quickly find my name next to the one and only 'Harry Potter'. I roll my eyes and sit down. I glance around at my friends. "Who's your partner E?" Daphne asks. "Potter." I mutter. "Tough luck Princess." Draco says, smirking.

"Oh shut up." I say, rolling my eyes and facing the front. McGonagall finally starts the lesson and Potter is no where to be found. In fact, his Weasley friend isn't here either. Once McGonagall gives us our assignment she transforms into a cat and sits on her desk to watch us.

Five minutes later the door bursts open and Potter and Weasley burst in, out of breath. "Whoo, we made it. Could you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" Weasley asks. Just as he says that McGonagall transforms back into her human form.

"That was bloody brilliant." Weasley remarks. Idiot. "Thank you Mr. Weasley for that assessment. Maybe I should turn Mr. Potter into a pocket watch so that next time you'll be on time." She says. "We got lost." Potter says.

"Then perhaps a map. I trust that you don't need one to find your seats." With that the two separate in attempt to find their seats. Potter quickly makes his way over to me. "I'm Harry Potter." He says. "I know." I mutter, focusing on my almost finished work. "What's your name?"

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