Chapter 4: The Hogwarts Express

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Eva's POV:

The next morning I am brought into the world of the living by Tippy waking me up. "Mrs. Malfoy says she'll be here in and hour to take all of you to the platform." She informs me. "Thank you Tippy, have breakfast ready for us in thirty minutes. That will be all." I say.

"Yes miss. Also, there is a letter from your Grandfather in your room." She says, and with that she's gone. Sighing I stand up. "Everyone up, breakfast will be ready in thirty and Draco's mum will be here in an hour." I say. They all groan from me waking them up.

"Oh stop whining, you're fine. I'll see all of you in a little bit." With that I head upstairs to my room. I go over and grab the outfit I had laid out for today. It's important to inform the unknowing of your status by the way you dress. You must look your best at all times.

Something that has been instilled in me since I was a baby. Once I am dressed with my hair in it's usual pony tail with a bow I go over to my night stand where my letter from my Grandfather rests. I pick it up and open it.


I wish you luck in your Hogwarts journey. I want to remind you that whether you get into Slytherin or not I will always be proud of you. Remember, your studies come first. I am so proud of you and good luck.

All my love,


Smiling at the the letter I slip it into my drawer and walk over to my trunk. I check the time. It's been 28 minutes. Perfect. "Tippy." I call. I hear a pop and the House Elf is in front of me. "Yes miss?" She asks. "Take my trunk downstairs and place it next to the fireplace." I say.

"Yes miss." She says. She grabs my trunk and then there's a pop and she's gone. Sighing with contempt I head downstairs. When I get down there my friends are already waiting for me. Once I get there we begin to talk about how excited we are about Hogwarts.

I don't usually get to leave the Villa or the Manor and now I'm going away for an entire school year. I wonder how people will react to me. I mean, the Dobreva name is legendary in the wizard world. After breakfast I hear the fire place roar with fire.

I stand and look over to see Aunt Narcissa standing there. She smiles at me kindly. "You all ready?" She asks. The rest of my friends stand, nodding. "Good. I'm taking Draco and Eva, the rest of your mothers are on their way now to take you." She tell us.

Right as she says that the fire place comes to life with green flames once more and Aunt Helena steps out. Both her and Aunt Narcissa look as regal as ever. Dressed in the finest materials from around the world.

"Diana and Elizabeth are on their way. Theodore, you mother gives you her best, but you will be traveling with Mrs. Greengrass and Daphne today. Her and your father had to go into the Ministry today." She explains to the Knott boy. He nods in understanding.

With that Aunt Narcissa grabs both mine and Draco's hands. With our other hands we grab our trunks with our owls cages as well as my kitten and Husky's cage on top. I probably shouldn't bring all of these animals, but oh well. Then I feel like I'm being sucked through a tiny straw.

Then we're standing in front of the giant scarlet steam engine. Daphne, Pansy, Theo, and Blaise are not far behind. "Alright, it's time for you to go. Look out for each other, please?" Aunt Narcissa asks us. "Of course mum." Draco replies, as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh I'm going to miss you." She says, pulling her son into a hug. She then embraces me. Once she lets go I am pulled into the arms of Aunt Helena. "You be careful ok?" She asks me. I nod. She looks me over. "You're looking more and more like Marina every day." She says. I grin. 

Aunt Helena was my mum's best friend and I always ask her about my parents. I smile at her, knowing how close of a sibling bond her and my mum had. "Ok, now off you go. Wouldn't want to miss the train now would we?" She asks me. I grin. "Of course not." I say. 

"Be safe Bellezza (beauty)." She says. "Ovviamente (of course)." I say back. "Good, now go on." She says. Nodding I hand off my trunk and cages before getting on the train and searching for my friends. I finally find them crammed into one compartment. I mean there are six of us. 

I step in and take my seat beside Draco. "I'm so excited. This year is going to be great, I just know it." Daphne says excitedly. "I know. I'm ready to placed in Slytherin so we can destroy the Gryffindors." Pansy sneers. "Oh come on, we don't need to even do anything. 

Gryffindor is aweful all on its own." Draco adds. They all laugh and I sigh. I hate it when they're like this. Yes we're better than them, but we shouldn't rub it in their faces, it lowers us to their standards. I lay my head on Draco's shoulder. "Tired Princess?" He asks me. I nod and close my eyes.

"Get some sleep. I wake up when it's time to change into our robes." He says. I nod. With that I fall into a peaceful sleep.

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