Chapter 10: Home For the Holidays

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Eva's POV:

"I'm so excited! I've missed my mom and dad. Oh! Evie, mum said you could stay with us this year if you like." Daphne tells me. I shake my head, a sorry look on my face. I usually hop around from friend to friend on Christmas.

My Grandfather takes a yearly trip to visit my Great Great Great Grandmother during the holidays. "Sorry Daph, I would love to, but I'm staying with Draco. Blaise and Aunt Helena are going to be there as well. Don't worry, I'll see you on Christmas Eve."

She nods, not upset by my plans differing from hers. We spend every Christmas Eve at the Villa together. We go to the Malfoy Christmas party then go to the Villa so that we can open presents together on Christmas. It's been this way since we were five.

My Grandfather started agreeing to let us stay in the Villa alone when we turned nine though. We all head toward the Hogwarts Express and quickly find a compartment. "They really need to make these bigger. It's so cramped." Pansy complains.

"I agree." I mumble as I am pressed between Blaise and Draco. "Oh it's not so bad." Draco tries. I just give him a look that tells him to shut up, which he does. The train ride is kind of boring, but soon we are pulling up to Platform 9 3/4. 

We get off and put our trunks on trollies before shoving through the crowd to get to our parents. I grin when I see both Aunt Narcissa and Uncle Lucius. He's almost never home so it's a surprise to see him. Aunt Helena is standing next to them as well. 

Saying goodbye to Daphne, Pansy, and Theo, with promises to write over break, Draco, Blaise and I head over to the three adults. Aunt Narcissa and Aunt Helena embrace the three of us instantly. 

"Oh it's too good to see you all. The house has been so empty without you." Aunt Narcissa gushes and she squeezes Draco and I to her. "Mum." Draco complains, pulling away. "Oh hush now, I haven't seen you in months, let me have this." She chides. 

I laugh at them before Aunt Helena pulls me into a hug. "I'm so excited to share with you what I go in Dubai for you. I think you'll love them." She tells me, pulling away. I laugh. "I always love what you bring me." "Of course." She beams. 

"Well, I think it's best that we get going." Uncle Lucius says in a monotoned voice, scanning over the crowd and sneering at the Muggles that litter the platform. "Yes, the house elves have prepared dinner. All your favorites." Aunt Narcissa grins. 

"You all will have to tell us all about your first term at Hogwarts." Aunt Helena suggest as we each grab onto a  respective parent. Blaise holds his mum's arm, Draco hold's his dad's, and I hold onto Aunt Narcissa. 

In a second everything goes dark and it feels like I'm being sucked through a straw. I close my eyes for a second and when I open them when the feeling recedes, we're standing in the entry way of Malfoy Manor. 

"You three go upstairs and unpack. Dinner will be soon. We'll send a house elf to retrieve you when it's ready." Aunt Narcissa tells us. We all nod and lug our trunks towards the stairs, heading up to our usual rooms. 

Blaise and I stay here to much that we have our own room that Aunt Narcissa let us decorate. Mine nearly exactly matches my room in the Villa and I love it. May seem too grown up for an eleven year old, but I don't mind. 

I've just finished unpacking my trunk when there's a knock on my door. "Come in." I call. My door opens and I turn. I see Draco walk into the room. "Hey." I  grin at him. "Hey, you all settled in?" "Yeah, just finished. What can I do for you?" "My mother needs to talk to you." 

I furrow my brows. "Why didn't she send a house elf?" I ask. "Oh, well, I heard her talking to Ms. Zabini about it and volunteered since I wanted to talk to you anyways." I smile at this. "And what did you want to talk to me about?" I ask him. 

"Oh, um, just wanted to tell you that you left this in my room last time you stayed over. You know, when everyone stayed in my room?" He asks, holding out a familiar green blanket. My eyes widen. 

"I've been looking for this!" I exclaim, grabbing my Irish National Quidditch Team blanket that Blaise got me for Christmas last year. He chuckles. "Yeah, well, Dobby grabbed it when he packed my bag for Italy." I groan. 

"My blanket is now more cultured than I am." He just laughs as I pull him into a hug. "Don't worry Princess, we'll take you with us next time." I beam up at him. "Thanks Drake. Now, I'm going to go see what your mom wants." He nods and releases me. 

With that two of us walk out of my room, each of us turning a different way when we exit. Draco heading towards Blaise's room while I head towards the main living room in Malfoy Manor. I find Aunt Helena and Aunt Narcissa in there, talking in hushed voices. "You asked to see me?" I ask. 

Their heads snap towards me. "Eva dear, come here and sit. We have something we'd like to discuss with you." Aunt Narcissa says. Curious, I head over and sit on the couch opposite them. "Yes?" 

"Well, this summer we're planning a joint family trip to Paris and we've already discussed this with your Grandfather, but would you like to join." My eyes widen at at this. My Grandfather agreed to letting me go on vacation? 

"Now, the Parkinson and Greengrass families will not be able to go since they're spending the summer in Germany with the Knott family, but I do not believe that the lack of girls company should be a problem." "My Grandfather said yes to this?" I ask, shocked. 

They both nod, grinning down at me. "YES! Sorry. Yes, I would love to go." I beam. I've never been to Paris. Never really traveled before. I don't think I could be more excited. I've always wanted to go to Paris.

"Excellent, well don't you worry about anything. We'll plan everything. You'll just come home like you did this time after next term and we'll leave the next day." I nod, still trying to process that I'm actually going on vacation. 

"Oh, and make sure you don't mention anything to the boys, we're announcing that when you all get back from the Villa after Christmas when we have family Christmas." Aunt Narcissa tells me. I nod rapidly. Suddenly there's a crack and Dobby appears. 

"Dinners is ready ma'am." He tells Aunt Narcissa. "Good, go call Draco and Blaise down." She tells him. He nods and pops out. "Come dear, you lot have to tell us how term was." I nod and follow my Aunts to the main dining room. This holiday just got a little better. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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