Chapter 3: My Mother's Wand

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Eva's POV:

After getting Amethyst we go around getting all of our school supplies. Finally it's time to get our wands. We go in one at a time and I choose to go last. Finally it's my turn. I hand Amethyst's leash over to Draco and my bags are split between Pansy and Daphne before I enter the shop.

"Ah, the final elitist. Evangeliya Dobreva. What an honor to have you here. I've fitted many Dobreva's for wands in the past. Now, come here and we'll get you a wand." Mr. Ollivander says. I smile and walk closer to the kind looking man.

"Now, let's see here. I do believe this will suffice." He says, walking backwards through the bookcases. When he comes back he has several wands. He hands me the first one. "Yew, 12 inches, dragon heartstring." He says. I wave my arm and a vase shatters.

"No, defiantly not. Try this one. Holly, 11 inches, unicorn hair." I take it and wave it. Boxes of wands fly off the shelves. "Nope, not that one. I wonder." He says. he retreats once more into the darkness of the shop. When he comes back he has an ornately decorated wand box.

"Oak, 11 1/2 inches, Phoenix tail feather." He says. I take it and a warm feeling goes through me. "Perfect. I should have known." He says. "What? What should you have known sir?" I ask, scrunching my eyebrows in confusion.

"You see young Anastasia, this wand is a replica of your mothers. Marina Merlin was a very powerful witch indeed. The same Phoenix has given only a few tail feathers and all of them have been places into your name sake's wands." What?

"Evangeliya Nikolina Emiliya Ivana Magdalena Adelina Iliyana Nadia Marina Dobreva. All of those women did amazing things. Take good care of this wand." He says. I nod. "I will." "Good girl. Now, that will be 11 galleons." He says. Nodding I hand over the money.

Once the transaction is complete I leave the shop and head over to my friends. "Anything left on the list?" I ask. "No, I think we have everything. Now come on. Our mums are waiting." Blaise says. "Ooh, we should have a sleepover at Evie's tonight." Pansy suggests. I smiles widely.

"That's a great idea. kick off the beginning of the school year and everything. Great thinking Pans." I say. "I know." She smirks. Laughing we walk back into the ice cream parlor. Amethyst is going crazy with all the food around.

My friends quickly beg their mums to allow them to stay over and they all agree. This is going to be so much fun! Once we have everything situated the others agree to meet me at the Villa after they go home and get their things.

I floo first, knowing that I need to have Tippy prepare snacks for our guests. "Dobreva Villa." I say clearly. I am transported through the green flames and am soon home. I step out and hang up my floo cloak before calling for my house elf. "Tippy!" I call.

I hear a pop and Tippy is in front of me. "Yes miss?" She asks. "I'll be having my friends over tonight, have Milly make us some snacks." I say. "Yes miss, right away miss." With that she pops into the kitchen. I look down at all my bags and Amethyst. I'll have Tippy pack my things later.

I unhook Amethyst's leash and she starts running around, acting crazy. I laugh at her behavior. Then Sapphire shows up. They two instantly click. While they are running around I head upstairs with my bags and lay them next to my almost packed trunk. We leave tomorrow. It's so exciting.

Our first year at Hogwarts. Once everything is in my room I walk down stairs just in time for Daphne to arrive with Theo in tow. They are followed by Pansy, then Blaise, and finally Draco. Once they're all here we head into the living room and start our sleep over.

We stay up to all hours of the night just talking and playing games. I've missed this so much. They all went off this summer while my Grandfather had me stay behind and study with him. I'm to be the top of my year at Hogwarts. 

That's the only expectation that I have from my Grandfather. It was nice spending all that time with him, but I missed my friends. Around 3 AM all of us are asleep.

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