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Raydon's POV:

I look at the detached wire of the keyboard from the turned-off display of my laptop. I saw the five tiny beings hopping on the keys of my keyboard. They were stunned on seeing me.

"Uhhh-," I saw Sniffy trying to pluck out the mouse.

"Sniff-Sniff," Peeka was warning him of my arrival.

As he succeeded in plucking off the mouse wire he fell away. Once he got up, rubbing his head, he looked at me with his so-called 'sorry' face.

"Oh-I was checking my mailbox for job offers," I slammed my forehead, "But-you teeny idiots have spoiled my laptop," I said trying to connect the wires and switching it on.

If I spoil this laptop, mom was sure that I won't be getting another. The light from the display brought back my breath. I looked at my senses watching over me opening my inbox to check on my mails.

Three emails were left unread. When I tried to open one of them, the screen went off.

My phone was dead and I wasn't able to use it to check emails. It would be inconvenient too as I got used to my laptop.

"Ohhh," I heard the snoopers squealing.

"Don't Ohh-It's only because of you, guys. If it doesn't turn on again, I'll chop you off into pieces," I bellowed at them.

"You'll end up bad then," hark made a playful attempt, making me further irritated.

"Okay, now you guys come with me. I'm not gonna leave you alone anytime again," I asserted, taking off my T-shirt.

"Okay, Ray. We won't put you into trouble anytime again," Sniffy said, kicking an M&Ms candy that was on my bed to give me an assuring gesture. But, that candy went on to hit me on my right eye, while Peeka tripped as she was the one who controls my right eye, "Ouch".

I opened my closet, rubbing my eye, grabbed a cement coloured T-shirt and pulled it down my head.

"C'mon, let's go watch a movie," I said to the Snoopers and opened my room's door.

"Ray, Ray-," I heard Boo calling me.

"No more nagging," I told him.

"But, Ray-," I heard Rook's voice.

"Can't you keep quiet for some time?" I sighed, fumbled and rolled down the stairs. That squeaky laughs. I know that they were from those nasty little pieces.

I got up, "Sshh!" I silenced them with my index on my lips.

"Ray-," I moved away quickly to avoid their nattering calls.

There, I saw her-I saw her sitting on our couch, drinking water. Once her dazzling eyes noticed me, "Hi," she said, gulping the water in her mouth.

Unable to reciprocate her sudden greet, I nodded my head, of course weirdly, "Hey".

When I turned to pick up the TV remote, I hear her giggling laugh. I loved it. But why was she laughing? I turned towards her and looked back again. She was laughing and to cope up, I too laughed back unknowingly. I confirmed that those tiny snoopers were also laughing from their squeaky noise.

But what is the reason behind their laugh?

I tilted my head while I saw a tiny lipstick mark on my T-shirt's left sleeve. I walked away without turning and rushed to the washroom mirror and saw the backside of my T-shirt filled with lipstick marks.

"Fuzzy," I screamed the nickname of my sister, Fuchsia Pink, yeah it's weird but glossy, I know. She is my cousin. But, my parents adopted her as her parents were dead.

"What have you done to my favourite T-shirt?" I asked her, while she came with strawberry flavoured ice cream cups, that mom had brought for her and me, but she handed it to her best friend. That unjustifiably beautiful girl, my only crush ever, Macarina Voss. Her name hits me differently. Her unique golden brown eyes, I would look into it, sink into it forever, if something like that exists.

"Oh-Eddie was wearing your-that T-shirt, when he came here last time. So-it happened," she chuckled. Yeah, she's dating my best friend.

"You should have put it to the laundry," I insisted her, unable to control my chortle.

I looked at the Snoopers who were looking at me from behind the door, making teeny giggles, as I went up to my room to change.

I miss Eddie. He's been busy with his exams and we had planned a weekend

When I got to the living room, Fuzzy and she-Mac, were watching a movie and I went on to join them.

"Ray, How's your work going?" I didn't expect this from Macarina.

"Hm-going good," I replied her, turning to stare at Fuzzy who was chuckling at me.

Mac had always been very nice to me. She's frank and would mingle on with me easier than I could reciprocate. She's been my crush since high school prom. I was completely fallen, when I saw her in that sparkling, light saffron gown. I was awestruck when she walked to me, smiling. She and Fuchsia were classmates while I was a senior by a year. Fuzzy would mostly help me mingling with Mac. She's a sort of commonness we both share.

I hate Mac for only one thing-her friendship with Jax, the so-called bad boy figure.

"Ray, come let's have dinner," I heard my mom, while I was reading, 'The Art of Happiness' by Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler.

I don't know why I was reading it. I just grabbed it from my bookshelf. But, I love it as its content says that one should know about the perks of being happy. An amazing one.

I was about to tell my mom about my laptop. But, I didn't as Sniffy patted my elbow, signalling me not to tell her.

I took myself back to the high school prom, while adoring Mac's picture on my iPhone.

"Look, look," Rook mocked me.

"However, you're not gonna get her," I saw Sniffy teasing me, laughing.

"We are all alone. So, you'll be too," Hark said looking at the other snoopers.

"But-," I looked at the peekies, while Sniffy and the heedies did the same.

"Um- we are just friends," Peeka and Boo said in unison, putting their hands in the air.

"Friends?" the other snoopers and I joshed at the Peekies, placing our hands on our hips.



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