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Raydon's POV:

"Chill, man," Rook said as we got on the car. Eddy was driving.

"Don't you see what he was doing?" Ray whispered to him.

"I know he would do something annoying. That's why I left you near them, to watch Mac," Ray said a bit louder.

"Did you?" Tan asked me.

"Yeah, I did," I said, accepting.

"Ray, I don't encourage you for doing this. But, Jax did what you thought he would. He came too close to me. I-I could hear his breathe and-and I wasn't comfortable," Mac told me. I know, she wasn't feeling good. It's obvious in her tone.

"I know, Mac. He's a boor. He'll do such things. I know," I held her hand as a gesture to console her.

"Ooh-Ooh," I heard Fuzzy crooning. Mac chuckled as I jerked my hand away from hers.

"Take us home, boys. We're tired," Tan murmured. She was the one who was enjoying at HellZone, dancing with random people and going on for a drink challenge.

"I've taken off from shoots for a week. We're gonna make fun, guys," she said, getting out from the car.

"Bye," Eddy said, walking into his house. Oh-that cheesy kiss, Fuzzy and him, made me laugh.

I drove Mac home. She waved to me. She was beautiful in that dress. Oh, I didn't compliment her.

"I saw you gawking at Mac," Fuzzy made fun of me. She always does.

"Oh-Shut up, Fuzzy," I chuckled.

"She's right, Ray," Boo joined her, teasing me.

"Macarina Voss. She's-okay, really gorgeous," Peeka's tone had a hint of jealousy which made me chortle.

"She's damn gorgeous," I said sitting on my bed.

Mom was already sleeping and Fuzzy went to freshen up.

It was obvious that Jax had that intention on Mac since the beginning of their friendship. I had tried to warn her but she would just ignores my words saying, "He's just trying to be a friend".

It was Monday and I was off to my Internet centre. Jax ruined my morning. I saw him with his gang near my workplace.

"Hey, RJ," I heard him. That RJ irritated the hell out of me.

"Before you start your boring talks, let me say something," he said and I was looking at him for his words.

"You're not gonna get her. She's mine," he said and it was clear that he was talking about Mac.

"Huh- Hope for it," I said, smirking.

"Stay away from her. Like you did while we were at high school," he just brought back the high school memory of me staying away from Mac because I was afraid of him.

"That's in the past," I said.

"Ugh- you already need to get back for punching my face, Ray," he reminded me.

"Not any soon. Bye," I moved away from them.

"Hey-coward. Don't run away," I heard the voice of one of his friends.

I knew that Jax would be mad at me for not listening to him.

I was checking my bag for some papers. My fingers touched something metallic and I took it out. It was the key that mom gave me. Then, I got to remember that I put it into my bag while I was packing it for work. I kept it safe in my bag as I thought that it'll be safer if it stays with me. I was in such a relief as mom had it for these many years and it meant a lot to her.

I came home by afternoon as I had only some typing works and I had finished it soon.

"Got home soon?" Mom was sitting on the couch.

"Not much work," I laid my head on her lap.

"Mommy," the snoopies squeaked. They loved her a lot and she reciprocated more.

Me and mom were spending our time together as Fuzzy was out with the girls.

We watched a movie which made mom cry at the end. The day went amazing for us.

I was lying on my bed after dinner.

"I hate that brute," Peeka said.

"Who?" I asked her.

"That one. Jax," she told in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah, we too," the other snoopies said in unison.

"I do too," I joined them.

"One day, he'll be getting a nice shot from us," Boo fumed as we all laughed.

These snoopies were my pillars, both in joy and sorrow.

"Good night, guys," I said.

"Night, Ray," they whispered to me.

The next day, I woke up to Ed and Tan singing their favourite songs that would sound terrible in their voices. Both of them were crazy for music and rap songs were their absolute favourite. There are tons of music that I love, but they would sing those songs that would irritate me to the core.

"Stop it, guys," I moaned as I woke up from the bed.

"Eddy," Peeka went to him. Ed was her favourite among us.

"Um-the girls and I had planned to go to the spa," Taniel told us.

"We'll be accompanying you," Ed said as Fuzzy walked in.

"No. You're not," Fuzzy smiled, drying her hands with a towel.

"Then, we'll be watching a movie at Eddy's," I said.

"Fine. I've made breakfast. Mom's out of town for a meeting. Come down. Quick," Fuzzy and Tan left us.

"Hungry-I'm hungry," Hark sang as we went to the dining room.

"You'll be having just breadcrumbs," I mocked him.

The doorbell rang while we were having our breakfast. Fuzzy rushed to open the door. Yeah, I was correct. It was Mac.

"Hi," she walked into the dining room.

The only empty chair was right next to me and I was glad that it was. Mac sat next to me.

"Lucky man," Rook whispered to me.

I tried not to look at her, but I couldn't, "Morning," I greeted as she smiled at me.

"You guys should hang out," Tan said looking at me and Mac.

"Yeah. You're being weird when you guys are next to each other," Eddy said.

"Nope. We-we are fine," I told them.

"Okay. But, it isn't a bad idea. We should hang out sometime," Mac's words surprised me.

"Oh-so much guts," Tan mocked her.

"A date kinda thing?" Fuzzy asked.

"Nah. Just a little talk and some coffee," I said.

"Yeah. Kind of," Mac nodded.

"Well. Yeah. We will. Maybe this Thursday?" I insisted.

"Sure. But, the place will be a secret. You'll get to know soon," Mac smiled.

"What? No secrets from us, dude," Fuzzy intervened which made us giggle.

"You guys don't have to know that," Mac nodded, chuckling.

"Oh-Really? We'll get it, girl," Eddy leaned back folding his arms.

"Good luck, Ed," Mac raised her eyebrow, smiling.



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