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Mac's POV:

I put on a white crop top and a greyish silver pencil skirt. I complimented my look with a silver chain and a metal bracelet.

"I look cute," I was telling, looking at myself in the mirror.

"Okay-I'm gonna propose Ray today," I sighed. I was rehearsing for it since morning.

I have been shy around him. I could have confessed my feelings way before he completed his graduation. But, my stupid heart is jumping out of my chest while I look at him. My lips would get gummed. I could barely breathe. But, I have never shown these to him or to anyone else though sometimes I would blabber about him to Fuzzy.

"Don't peek around. Ray isn't home. He's helping Eddy with his project," Fuzzy mocked me as I went in.

"The boys will pick us up at 7," Fuchsia told me as I sat on the couch at Fuchsia's.

We were chatting, while we heard the car horn.

"Hello, boys," Fuzzy went and kissed Eddy.

"I thought that you'll be wearing one of the outfits that you showed me," Ray looked at Fuzzy.

"I just changed my mind. By the way, I don't trust your choices," Fuzzy made fun of Ray, making him frown.

"Uh-Uh, but this too looks good on you," Ray winked at her purple outfit. She made a funny face at him.

"I hope that you don't change this one," Ed laughed at Fuzzy. "I can help you if you want to," he whispered in her ear which I clearly heard. They look so cute when they are funnily nasty.

"You perv," Fuzzy hit him with her purse giggling.

Ray was driving the car and I sat next to him. Fuzzy and Ed were snuggling at the backseat. She did miss Ed a lot.

"Water, please," Ray asked the bartender. Yeah, Ray doesn't drink. My hormones were rushing since I saw him smile at me. That smile was ruling my heart since high school.

"Vodka," Ed pointed towards the bartender as Fuzzy came and sat near me.

"Here comes she," Ed looked behind our table.

It was Taniel Kate. Our best friend. Me, Fuzzy and Tan are a trio since elementary school.

"Ed," she came and hugged him. Ed and Tan have a beautiful bond. They behave like Tom and Jerry, are best buddies.

"Hey, girls. I missed you." We shared a group hug.

"Hi, Ray," she squealed, hugging him. No-No. I was not jealous.

We were having a fun talk while the real party started. Music and Dance were on swing. I didn't have the guts to ask Ray for a dance. Ed and Fuzzy went to the dance floor. We were singing along.

"How's college?" Tan asked me.

"Good. But, you're the major missing," I winked at her.

Tan is a growing model. She would do photoshoots most of the time. She did her academics through distant education. She loves to walk down the ramp. A self-obsessed, fun loving person, she is.

I was trying to confess my feelings to Ray. But, Oh my God, his eyes are not letting me do it. He looked damn cool in that outfit. The way he tousled his hair got me high.

"Hey, Jax," I said as he walked in. It's really hard to act like you like someone when you really don't. But, I manage it really well.

I know, Ray will be burning inside. Jax took the seat next to me and was gawking at me. Yeah, I was acting like I didn't notice. I didn't like him since ever. But, I never wanted to mess up with a baddie like him.

"You look beautiful, Mac," Jax honeyed.

"Thanks," it slipped out of my mouth.

"Mac-," Jax started.

"Mac, would you like to dance with me?" Oh my god. Ray asked me to dance with him.

"Oohh," Sniffy squeaked, peeking from his nose.

"Sure," I nodded while the inner me was already dancing.

We were shaking our legs on the dance floor while a girl took Ray's hand, moving him away from me.

"Hey. What? He left?" Jax got my hand.

What else can I do? I smiled and was dancing with him.

After a few seconds, it felt like we were dancing very closely and Jax was gawking at me like anything.

"I-I have to use the washroom," I left the dance floor.

I felt very uncomfortable being too close with him. If I could get the girl who took Ray away, I would have punched her on the face.

I've been an idiot. I got a hell of opportunities to confess my love. But, I didn't make it out. I always knew that he too had some feelings for me. I hope he still does.

While I got out, I could hear loud voices from the party hall.

"I know what you were doing to her," Ray was shouting at Jax. I was sure that it was because of us dancing together.

"Calm down, RJ. Don't you see? She liked it," Jax was bragging.

I was standing still. If I had interfered, I would have messed it up for sure.

"No, she didn't. We know her. She's our friend. And don't ever call me RJ," Ray bursted.

"Oh? Then, my track is clear as she's just your friend. I can now make her fall for me easily. She will," this Jax is making me fume inside.

"Shut up, you brute," DANG... Ray punched him right on his nose.

"Oh-that's hard, man," Jax raised his hand to punch Ray. Thanks to Eddy. He rushed in between and stopped them.

"He's the one who started it," Ray complained.

"Oh-how come the snoopies are quiet?," Fuzzy wondered.

"Okay. We'll leave. Sorry Jax," Eddy said, looking at Jax and his gang. They were a Gang of Four. Of course, Jax was the leader.

"Oh-it started," I thought, looking at the fierce look that Jax gave Ray.

"If a clash is for a girl," Taniel tilted her head, "it's not gonna end well," she whispered to me while I got in the car.



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