Chapter 5: Demigods

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  Your eyes slowly open the next day as you wake up in your bed. You open them up as you look around the room for a moment. 

Y/N: Was that all a dream? Man, that was freaky. I'd blame it on the hangover, but I don't feel a lick of it in the slightest.

  Rolling out of the bed, you grab the shades off of your desk as you open the door. You make your way down the stairs. You slide down the stairs on the railing as you make your way to the kitchen, walking past the living room.

Y/N: Morning dad, morning Serena, morning Minerva, Morning other blond woman.

. . .

  Pause. Take it back some.

  You take some steps back, lifting up your sunglasses as you look into the living room seeing your stepmother, your father, Serena, and some other woman there. You blinked a few times as Serena and you locked eyes. She rushes over, wrapping her arms around you.

Serena: Oh, thank the gods, you're okay.

Y/N: . . . What the hell is going on.

  Your stepmother stepped forward as she adjusted her glasses.

Minerva: Good, you're awake. Now, (Y/N), we have some news to tell you. And it is very big news.

Y/N: Oh my god, don't tell me! You're actually my mother!?!?

Minerva: . . .No.

Y/N: Oh, thank god. No offense, but I didn't wanna risk having a stick up my ass being a genetic trait.

  The blond woman covers her mouth as a laugh nearly escapes her lips making Minerva look at her with a stern glare.

Dad: (Y/N) this is serious. Last night, Minerva found you along with her friend here, Nike.

Nike: Yo.

  You chuckle a bit at her name.

Y/N: Wait, are you serious? Your name is Nike? Like the shoe brand? Is this a business meeting or something? Are we getting sponsored?

  You feel your ear get tugged as you see Serena yanking on your ear to get you to pay attention.

Y/N: Ow what the-

Serena: This is important. Pay attention at least a little bit.

  A groan escapes your lips as you sit down on the couch, Serena following suit and sitting down nest to you.

Minerva: Okay, there is no dancing around the bush, but the events of last night. You fought a creature that was mixed with a lion, goat, and a serpent, or otherwise known as a Chimera. You and Serena here fought bravely and even managed to kill the beast.

Y/N: . . . How did you know I dreamt that last night?

Nike: Because it happened, dude. In real life, so not a dream.

  Nike walks over to you, sitting next to you and throwing an arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer as she ruffles your hair.

Nike: And in such a badass way. Using Medusa's head to turn it to stone was a smart move. Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh?

  You weren't really fighting Nike's grasp, mostly because, honestly, from your perspective, you got to be near a hot older chick. It was a personal win for you. But you had to dial it back to what they just said.

Y/N: Wait, the head? Head of Medusa? You're joking, right?

  Minerva didn't say anything as she reached next to the chair she was sitting in, reaching into a bag as she tosses out a head that rolls across the coffee table. It was a severed head with serpents for hair and a blindfold over the eyes.

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