Chapter 1: Child of the Night

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  I had passing dreams of my encounter with that woman. A woman who I had met so long ago. I still recall the night we spent together. She was enchanting, almost like she wasn't of this world. I got so drunk and then, the rest is all a blurr. But for some reason, that blurr never left me. For months I've been thinking about her and dreaming.

  Her hair was long and dark, her eyes ere mystical and fierce, yet daunting like the night sky. with the moon as her pupils. Her skin was dark and beautiful, with specks like stars on her cheeks. Feeling her body against mine was something truly special. What I would give to see her again. But that was months ago.

  As thoughts of her circled in my mind until I heard a knock on the door. So I groggily stood up and walked over to it. Opening the door, I see a woman. She was tall, long brown hair and tan skin. She dressed in a suit as she held something in her hand, something wrapped in a blanket.

???: Are you Abel Nightingale?

Abel: Y-Yes? Who are-

  The woman said nothing more as she stormed into the house. I wanted to say something to her, but something about her aura spoke otherwise. She stood at the counter in my kitchen, looking over the item in the blanket.

Abel: Umm, who are you exactly? Have we met?

???: . . . No. But you are involved in this now.

Abel: . . . Involved in what now?

???: A war.

  She spoke with clarity, yet I did not understand hat she was saying. I noticed the blanket moving as I noticed that it as a baby. I looked over and saw the child's face, it made my heart sink and my eyes widened.

  They looked like that woman from before. As I saw their eyes weakly open, my face nearly went white. Cold and commanding like the night sky, with the moon as their pupils.

Abel: W-Who is-

???: He is named (Y/N). A name chosen by one of his many siblings. . . He is your son.

Abel: S-Son? Wait, wait wait, this is all confusing and. . . Am I still drunk? Is this a prank or something? Oh, man you nearly got me. But you sold it with the whole serious act you put on.

  I give the woman a playful jab on the shoulder, one thing I noticed, she was a lot stronger then she originally let on. I wasn't a big guy or anything, but still. She didn't even budge, then noticing her, I could actually see her shape through the suit. She as a lot buffer than I could have imagined.

Athena: I am Athena, Goddess of Wisdom. Many moons ago, you laid with Nyx, the Primordial Goddess and Personification of the Night.

  Silence filled the room as I had to process what she had just told me.

Abel: . . . T-This is real? Wait, how am I supposed to believe you're a god?

Athena: It's not something you could comprehend yes, but I was sent to her, by my father Zeus to-

Abel: Why didn't Zeus just go himself, come here himself? Or better yet, why not Nyx herself if what your saying is even true? IS this some elaborate way to get money?

  The woman who says she is Athena rolled her eyes as she looked down at the baby, seeing how he reached his hands out towards her.

Athena: My father and Nyx aren't on the best of terms. Nyx is powerful, and rightfully is to be feared. He knew Nyx had a child with a human and was afraid to address it, but, with the way things are now. Things have changed. You've gotten yourself, no matter ho much you want to deny it, involved in a war.

Abel: Hold on, I'm still on the whole God thing. A-And having a son? Lady, I am not in the market for raising a kid.

Athena: Then you should have thought about it before you ravished the embodiment of night without protection. 

Abel: B-But what's this about a war?

Athena: . . . Okay. A long time ago, my father, and all the other gods agreed to not interfere in your world anymore. To let you all live your own lives. Those of us that do still remain here mostly stay to ourselves. Blessing humans as we see fit from afar. But recently, Zeus broke that promise. Sleeping with a human woman, and birthing a child. But Zeus left her in the realm of mortals and hid her away from Hera's gaze and all the other gods. She should only be a baby right now, but recently, the Fates warned that she would release an unspeakable evil on us all. Zeus was afraid, and sent some of us out to retrieve her, lifting the veil to find her. But somehow, she is untraceable. This is bad for us, because if we don't find her, then the prophesy might come true. So, Zeus thought that if Gods can't find his Demigod daughter, mayhaps other Demigod children might draw her out. 

  My eyes narrowed for a moment.

Abel: So that's why she did it. But, then are you here just as-

Athena: A messenger. Here to deliver you your son. (Y/N) Nightingale. A fitting name for the son of Nyx. Thank his brother Hypnos, he gave him the name.

  Athena turns away as I look at the young baby. He reaches out to me as I present him my hand. His tiny hands grab onto mine. He had to be at least a month old. But I was not ready to raise this kid, especially if he's so important.

Abel: Wait! Y-You're just gonna leave?

  Athena stood at the door for a moment.

Athena: No. This task is too important to be fully entrusted to you. You are still young yourself, so to this child I will be his guardian, but under one condition.

Abel: What?

Athena: He must not know that I am a god. Once he is able to process thought, I am to be just another human whenever I am around. I will train him up mentally and physically. Instilling all of my wisdom into his mind. Also, when you mention me by name around him or other humans, call me Minerva.

  Athena lightly places her hand on his forehead, making the young baby smile and giggle at her touch. This was my life now. Here I am at the age of 23, with a demigod son, and another god here as his step mother.

  That's how my life changed for the better, or maybe even the worst.

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