Chapter 4: Straight From a Nightmare

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  After you split from Serena, you made your way home, walking through the forest in a more scenic part of the town, walking by the old junkyard off the old train tracks. You remembered when you were a freshman, these tracks were where you and your old group used to hang around.


  It was an early evening of you and a group ditching classes as per usual. You, your friend Daniel, another older friend Korbyn, and then Serena, who was Danny's girlfriend at the time.

Danny Yo (Y/N)! What are you even looking for?

Y/N: Korbyn needs parts from one of these run down cars or whatever. 

Danny: Sure she didn't just lose her stash or something? Doesn't seem like she'd be looking too far if she really needed it.

  Danny raises a joint to his lips blowing out a puff of smoke as Serena takes it out of his hands, taking a puff as well.

Serena: Yo (Y/N), you want some? You seem more on edge than usual.

Y/N: I don't smoke. But when we get together to drink from your stepdad's stash, then you can count me in.

  You look back raising the hood of a rusted car, going through all the parts as you notice a lot of the parts were mostly drained dry. You notice the door to another rusted car behind you go flying off the hinges as Korbyn, the girl in question, emerges.

Korbyn: Any luck Pretty boy?

Y/N: No, and stop calling me that.

  Korbyn walks over, ruffling your hair as she leaps down off of the pile. You jump down as well as you walk over to Daniel and the Serena as you sit down next to the couple.

Korbyn: You guys gonna do anything besides smoke and make out?

Serena: Not really, besides, we have no idea what the hell you're even looking for.

  Korbyn takes off her bandana letting her long red hair flow and taking the sunglasses off of her face.

Korbyn: See, this is why (Y/N) is my favorite. Always helping me with getting spare parts.

  As you and the groups continue to talk, you get hit in the side of the head with an apple. The force caused the fruit to explode against your skull knocking you off your feet, not so much from the force, but the shock and stumbling from the parts beneath your feet.

???: HA, Got the freak right in the head.

  Danny and the others turn to see a couple of boys a little older than you, but still teenagers. Juniors to be exact.

Danny: Hey! What the fuck are you two doin here?!

???: We were just hangin around, then we saw that dark eyed freak hangin on our terf. The rest of y'all can go, but the freaks gotta learn his place.

  Korbyn rushes to your side along with Serena as Danny stands in front of you. He clenches his fist as he rushes  at them, punching on of them across the face. You stand back up from the hit mildly shocked as Korbyn holds you close.

Korbyn: Are you okay ?

  You sit up, looking over to see Danny on top of one of the boys, pounding his face in as the other one jumps on his back, pulling him off and punching him across the face. You frown up a bit as you take your jacket off, tossing it to Korbyn.

Y/N: We'll be back in a bit.

  You rush at the two, drop kicking one of the boys off of Danny. You mount him as you punch him across the face, he goes to punch you but you catch his hand and put him in an arm bar, using just enough force to here his arm was on the verge of snapping, while Danny handled the other one. You both managed to handle each of your guys pretty easily, seeing how you were no slouch. Training with your step-mother made your skills in hand to hand pretty formidable.

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