Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

After getting the boys to bed, Jax and I head out to the back deck. He sits on the top step and I sit on the one below him. He wraps his arms around me and puts his hands on my stomach and I lean back into him. "I love you." I say softly. I feel him kiss the top of my head and says "I love you too Darlin." We sit there in silence, thinking. "What's on your mind babe?" he asks softly. "You." I tell him. He starts placing soft kisses to my neck and asks "What about me?" I don't look at him but say "I just keep thinking about you. We went from me thinking you were dead to being here raising our boys together and about to have our little girl. I never, in a million years, thought we'd be married and having a baby together." I tell him. "After Tara died, reading her letter, I knew you were the only one that I would ever see being with. I loved Tara, but Dana, I honestly love you more than I did her. You are the one person that has never lied to me or betrayed me. I love you with everything in me." he tells me. I finally turn to look at him and say "You have all of me." before he kisses me softly and gently deepens the kiss.

We're sitting there for a bit when my burner rings. I look at it confused before answering. "Hello?" I ask as I answer. "Hey little girl." I hear Happy's voice. "Hey Hap." I say and Jax looks at me concerned. "What's up?" I ask. "Just wanted to check on you guys. Last time we talked, you were mad at me." he says. "I know. I'm sorry Hap. It was just so much to process but things are good. Boys are settling in great and Maci is good." I tell him. "You and our boy?" he asks. "Married." I tell him. "Really. When did that happen?" he asks. "When he did the custody papers, he had them get a marriage license. It's legal but I didn't know we were married until I got here." I tell him. "Well, congrats." he tells me, laughing. "Let the others know?" I ask and he says "Yeah little girl. I gotta go. Keep in touch." he says. "You too." I say before we end the call.

"Everything okay?" Jax asks. "Yeah. Just Hap checking in." I tell him and he just looks at me. "What?" I ask. "You told him we're married." he says. "Was I not supposed to?" I ask. "Yeah, just I didn't know if you would tell them." he says. "They are still our family Jackson. Our family needs to know that I'm married to the love of my life and that we are a real family." I tell him. He pulls me closer and says "You are definitely the love of my life too." before kissing me deeply.

I wake up the next morning and start breakfast. I walk to the kids' rooms and get them up and in the living room. I move to the bedroom and walk over to the bed and lean down to kiss Jax's lips. "Wake up Jackson." I say softly before kissing him and he kisses me back. "Morning babe." he says. "Morning. Boys are in the living room. Get up and I'll get your plate ready." I tell him before he kisses me one more time and I head to get the boys eating.

Once he's dressed, he comes to the kitchen and kisses me softly before taking his plate from me and joining the boys. I get my plate and join them. "I'll take Abel to school so you can relax a little." he tells me. "Okay. Me and Tommy can watch a movie." I say and Tommy says "Nemo!" and we start laughing. I look at Tommy and say "Let's watch something else and give Nemo a rest." I say and he says "Tay mama." before going back to his food.

That afternoon, Kim is over and we are talking and laughing while Tommy is playing in the floor. After a bit, Jax and Abel walk in and Abel runs over "Hey mommy." he says as he hugs me. "Hey baby. How was school?" I ask. "Good mama. I got a 100 on my spelling test." he tells me and shows me. "That's great baby. I'm proud of you." I tell him and he smiles. He looks at Kim and says "Hi." She smiles and says "Hi Abel." before he goes to play with Tommy. Kim stands and says "I better head home. Jake will be home soon." she says. She hugs me and says goodbye to Jax and heads out the door. Jax pulls me close and kisses me softly and I say "Dinner is in the oven. Should be done by the time you get out of the shower." He nods and heads to shower.

After dinner that night, I am laying in bed and dozing and I hear Jax at my stomach talking to our daughter. "Hey Maci girl." he says softly as his hand goes to my stomach and she kicks him. "I love you and your brothers so much. And your mom. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me other than you guys. I promise I will do everything I can to make sure you all are happy and have everything you need." he says and I can't help it. I reach down and run my fingers through his hair and a small tear falls. He moves up beside me and wipes my tear and asks "What's wrong?" I smile softly and say "I'm happy."

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