Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Lying on the bed with Jackson, he kisses me deeply and I pull him to hover over me a little. When we separate, I whisper "Love me Jax." He crashes his lips with mine as we start to shed clothes and I turn with my back to him. Raising my leg, he guides his impressive length inside my warm, wet heat and start to thrust in and out slow and easy. The entire time, kissing my neck and shoulder and whispering how good I feel and how much he loves me. When I find my release, he finds his right behind me. Pulling out, he pulls me back as close as he can to his body and just holds me with his hand going to my stomach. "I love you Dana." he tells me. I turn onto my back and look at him. "I love you too Jax. I'm still not where I need to be with this but I love you. You're my husband and we're about to have another baby. I want this to work." I tell him. "I know babe. We'll get there." He tells me and I know that we will.

The next morning, I get up and start breakfast while he gets the boys up. "Morning mama." Abel says as he hugs me. "Morning baby. How'd you sleep?" I ask. "Good mama." he tells me before getting to the table. "What's the plan for today?" I ask. "Since it's Saturday, I thought we'd go to the aquarium and let you show me and the boys around your hometown." he tells me and I smile. "Was this your home mama?" Abel asks. "Yeah baby. I grew up here." I tell him and he smiles.

We head out to the aquarium and as we walk through, Tommy is in his stroller and Abel is walking, holding my hand and Jax just smiles. We are looking at one of the exhibits and I hear my name. "Dana?" I turn and see it Kim, my best friend growing up. "Oh my God. Kim." I say and she meets me halfway and we hug. When we separate, she sees my stomach and says "Wow, when are you due?" I smile as I rub my stomach and say "Couple more months." I tell her. "Babe?" Jax asks and I smile wide. "Sorry babe. Kim, this is my husband Jax and our sons Abel and Tommy. Guys, this is Kim. She was my best friend growing up." A man walks up behind her and I can't believe who I see. "Jace?" I ask. "Holy shit. Dana?" he asks and I nod. He walks over and hugs me and I look at him and Kim and then Jace shakes Jax's hand. "Nice to meet you." We stand there with the guys talking and me and Kim talking. "Where did you meet him? He's fine." she tells me and I laugh. "We worked together when I lived in California. Became my best friend and we got married." I tell her without giving her many details. Abel walks over and snuggles against me and I hug him close. "He's a mama's boy." she says and laughs. "He is. Loves his little sister too." I say as his hand goes to my stomach. "What are you naming her?" she asks. "Maci Jade." I tell her and she smiles. We exchange numbers before going our separate ways.

After the aquarium, we drive around and I point out different places. "Pull over here." I tell Jax and he does. We park the truck and get out. Walking up to the door, it opens as we walk up. "Dana?" the older woman asks. "Hi Mrs Harper." I tell her as she pulls me into a hug. "How have you been sweetheart?" she asks. "Good. Was wondering if you're still doing tours?" I ask and she smiles. "For you, always." she says. "Mrs Harper, this is my husband Jackson and our boys Abel and Thomas. Guys, this is Mrs Harper." I tell them and Abel waves as Tommy snuggles into Jax's shoulder. "Well, let me give you the tour." she says and we follow her into the old Civil War mansion. "During the Civil War this house was used as a hospital for the Confederate soldiers." she tells us. As we get farther into the tour, I start to reminisce about all those summers working here. Towards the back of the house, I see a plaque on a table with an urn sitting on it. I look at it and run my fingers over the letters that read Marshall Harper. I look at Mrs Harper and ask "When?" She smiles sadly and says "About two years ago." I move to her and hug her as a tear slips down my face. "What's wrong mama?" Abel asks. I look down at him and say "He was someone special to mama." and Abel holds my hand and you see Jax and Mrs Harper smile.

After the tour, I hug her and promise to come to visit since I'm back home and we head to our house. Walking in, the boys are playing in their playroom while Jax and I move to the living room. I sit on the couch and just look at my hands a minute. "He really meant a lot to you didn't he?" he asks and I nod. "When I was younger, things weren't good at home. I never wanted to be there so from the time I was about fourteen until right before I moved to California, they were like parents to me. She helped me get ready for my Senior Prom and he bought my dress when I said I wasn't going because I didn't have the money for a dress." I tell him. "They sound like good people." he tells me. "They are. You know, they never had kids of their own." I tell him. "Think she'd like to be Gramma to the kids?" he asks and I look at him shocked. "Are you serious?" I ask. "Would it make you happy?" he asks and I nod. "Then you can give her the good news." he tells me. I hug him tight and say "I didn't think I was going to like coming home but I am so glad we're here." I tell him. "Me too babe." he says before kissing me softly.

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