Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

***Present Day***

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask Chibs as he sits at my kitchen table. "It's better this way. Things are getting worse here and you would be safer moving back home." he tells me. "What about the house? The boys?" I ask. "You have custody of the boys so they go where you go. You're their mom now love." he tells me as I hold Tommy against me while he sleeps. "As far as the house goes, we can sell the house for you and send you the money." he tells me. I sit down, since Tommy is getting heavy. Brooke comes in and takes him from me to put him in his bed. "Are you sure? You guys are my family." I say sadly. Happy kneels down in front of me and he says "We will pack what you need and ship it out for you. You and the boys can fly out. We got you little girl." he says. I look at him and nod. Since Jax has been gone, he's been my best friend. "What about you?" I ask him. "I'll still be a phone call away. You know you can call any of us any time." he tells me and I whisper "Okay." before Happy stands and kisses the top of my head.

The next couple of days, we pack up what me and the boys are taking with us and what we are shipping. When moving day comes, Happy is the one to take us to the airport. "Little girl, I want you to listen to me. We all love you and the boys more than anything. Don't think for one second that we won't drop everything to come running if you need us. Your things are already at the house and has been set up for you. All but your clothes being unpacked. Your roommate will help with the bills and the house until you find a job but I know you'll be fine." he tells me and he kisses the top of Tommy's head before looking at Abel and saying "Take care of your mom Monster." Abel nods and hugs Happy and says "I will Uncle Hap." Kissing my forehead, he says "It's going to be fine." I nod and say "Love you Hap." He smiles softly and says "Love you little girl." before they call for us to board the plane and we head to Georgia.

After the flight, we land in Georgia and there is a car there waiting to take us to our new house. Getting out of the car, I give Abel his bag and I grab mine and Tommy's and we head to the front door. As soon as the door opens, I hear Abel call out "Daddy!" I walk into the kitchen and my eyes go wide. "Jackson." I whisper. "Hey Darlin." he says and I see his eyes go wide as he looks at my protruding stomach. He walks over and takes Thomas from me and his hand goes to my stomach. "Dana?" he asks and all I can do is nod. I know what he's asking. "She's yours." I whisper. He smiles wide and leans in to kiss me and I pull back. "Dana?" he asks again. "Show the boys their rooms." I say as it set in. He's alive. He's alive.

After showing the boys their rooms, leaving them in Tommy's room to play, he walks back into the kitchen and sees me out on the back deck. "Dana?" he asks softly. "You're alive." I say. "Yeah." he says simply. I feel him put his hand on the small of my back and I move away from him. "Don't." I say. I turn to look at him and ask "You're alive." I say again. "We've established that." he says and smirks at me. "Don't smirk. You were my best friend." I say. About that time, Abel comes to the door. "I'm hungry Mommy." he says and Jax looks at me and smiles. "We'll order pizza." Jax says and Abel looks at me. I nod and he heads back inside. "After we get the boys to bed, we'll talk." he tells me and I nod.

After dinner, he helps me give the boys a bath and helps me get them to bed. After they are in bed, I walk out to the back deck and he follows me. He hands me a cup of tea and he has a beer. I am sitting on the step and he's sitting beside me. "You're alive Jax." I whisper. "Yeah babe. I am." he says softly. Without looking at him I ask "How?" and I am fighting off the tears. "I made a lot of mistakes. I killed Jury. I killed Gemma. The only way to save my club was to take Mayhem. Club helped me fake my death." he tells me and I look at him shocked. "Fuck." I whisper. "What?" he asks. "Happy has been sticking close since they told me you died. He knew. All this time, he was lying to me. Fuck. The only one of my best friends that didn't lie to me was Opie and he just fucking died on me. You all lied to me." I say and start to sob. He goes to pull me to him and I pull away. I stand up and walk down the steps. "Don't fucking touch me." I say as I back away from him. "I fucking loved you. Our boys were going to have to grow up without you. Our daughter was going to have to grow up without you and all this time you've been here. Alive. Living your fucking life." I almost seeth. "Babe, please listen to me." He starts and I cut him off. "No. Don't babe me. I don't have to listen to anything." I say and then take a couple of deep breaths. "You can have the master bedroom. I'll sleep on the futon in Thomas' room." I tell him as I walk away and he gently grabs my arm. "I'm sorry." he whispers. "Yeah. You are." I seethe before going inside. I head to the bedroom and grab something to sleep in and get into the shower and sob. When I get out, I grab the blanket on the back of the futon to cover up with and lay down. I just lay there in a daze, rubbing my stomach, feeling my daughter moving around.

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