Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Waking up the next morning, I slept but not much. I sit up and get my bearings and move to look into Thomas' crib and he's not there. I get up and head to the kitchen, where I smell food and Thomas is in his high chair with his torn up pancakes and Abel is sitting at the table eating his. I walk over and kiss his head and I look at Jax. "Do you have to work today?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Have a few days off. Thought we'd spend some time together." he tells me. "I have to register Abel for school and find a job." I tell him. "We can register him but don't worry about a job. I got it." he tells me. "Jax..." I start and he says "You take care of our kids and I'll handle the bills. I owe you that much." he tells me and I nod. "Thank you." I tell him softly.

He brings my plate over and kisses the top of my head as his hand finds my stomach and Maci kicks him. He kneels down and says "That's Daddy's girl." and I feel a tear fall. He looks up at me and ask "You okay?" Abel looks at him and says "Mommy said it's her harmonies. Maci makes her cry a lot." and we both smile. "Hormones baby." I say and he says "Oh yeah. Those." before going back to his food. Jax looks at me and I nod that I'm okay.

After we eat, we register Abel for school and he's taken to his class and we tell him we will see him after school. We go home and I put Thomas down for a nap and I'm standing there looking at him when Jax walks up behind me. "That's a good look on you." he whispers and I look at him over my shoulder. He puts his hand on the small of my back and this time I don't pull away. "You're an amazing mother. The boys love you." he tells me as his hand finds my stomach and Maci kicks him. I look down at his hand on my stomach and put my hand on his. "Were you happy when you found out?" he asks about the baby. "Yeah." I whispered. "It meant I had a piece of me and you." He puts his forehead to mine and says "Please forgive me Dana." I shake my head and say "I don't know if I can Jax. You all lied to me. Just give me some time." I tell him and he nods. Tilting my chin up, he kisses me softly and says "I love you." I don't say it back.

I am sitting on the back steps when Jax comes out. "I'm going to get Abel. I'll take Tommy with me so you can relax." he says "Yeah. Okay." I tell him and he kisses the top of my head and heads out. After he leaves, I take out my burner and call the number I know by heart. "You okay little girl?" I hear Happy ask. "You lied to me." I say simply. Too tired to be mad. "Dana, listen to me." he says softly. "Why Happy? I trusted you." I tell him. "Babe, it was the only way." he tells me. "You could have told me Happy. You could have told me he was here." I tell him. We are quiet for a minute and he asks "How are you and the kids?" I sigh and say "We're okay. Abel started school today. Tommy is settling in. Baby girl is doing good. Keeps kicking." I tell him. "Good. Look, let him explain. We love you." he tells me. "Love you too Hap." I say and we talk for a couple more minutes before we end the call.

After Jax and the boys get back, the boys are in the yard playing and I am sitting on the steps still with Jax next to me. "I'm still pissed at you." I tell him. "I know." he tells me. "But I missed you. I missed you so much Jackson." I tell him. "I missed you too." he tells me. "How long after did you find out about Maci?" he asks. "Couple of months. I was seven weeks when I found out. Happy stayed pretty close. Said he promised he'd take care of me and the boys." I tell him. He reaches over and laces his fingers with mine. "I think I'd like to sleep with you tonight." I tell him. Pulling me close, he says "I'd like that babe."

After getting the boys to bed, I shower and move to lay on the bed. I turn with my back to him and he wraps his arms around me and pulls me back against him and I start to sob again. I turn to face him and he kisses me softly. "I love you Dana. I love you so fucking much. You and our kids." he tells me. "I love you Jackson." I whisper before he kisses me softly and we spend the next little bit just kissing. "I have something else that I didn't put in with your paperwork." he tells me and I look at him confused. We sit up and he hands me an envelope and says "I didn't put this in with the other papers because then you would have known I was alive." he tells me.

I open the envelope and pull out the papers. I look at the paper and my eyes go wide. "Jackson? This is a marriage license." I say shocked. "Yeah babe it is." he says, waiting on my reaction. "We're married?" I ask. "Yeah. Look, you always said you didn't want a wedding. That you didn't believe in that shit but you're my best friend. We love each other and we have our kids. You always said you would never have kids unless you were married. She's not due for a couple of more months. We're legally married." he tells me. I look at him for a minute before I punch him in the shoulder as hard as I can "Damn babe." he says, rubbing his shoulder. "Damn babe? That's all you got? You knocked me up, faked your death and now we're married. What the fuck Jackson?" I ask. He cups my face with both hands and says "And now we can have our happy ever after." he tells me. "When I have this kid, I'm officially kicking your ass." I tell him as I push him away. Pulling me closer, he pulls me to lay down and pulls me close again and says "Anything you want babe but now, you and my little girl need to sleep." he tells me before kissing me softly. "I love you Dana." he tells me. "I love you Jackson." I whisper before we both fall asleep for my first full night of sleep in six months.

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