Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

It's been a couple of months since we have been back home and I have been spending a lot of time with Kim and it's like we were never apart. I wake up feeling some light contractions. I get up and move to the living room and sit on the couch, careful not to wake anyone. Looking at the clock on my phone, it reads 4am. I'm sitting on the couch and the contractions are about thirty minutes apart. I'm holding my stomach and trying to breathe. I close my eyes and try to stay quiet. All of a sudden Jax is kneeling in front of me. "You okay?" he asks. I open my eyes and look at him, shaking my head no. "What is it?" he asks softly. "Started having contractions." I tell him. He smiles softly and asks "How far apart are they?" I take a breath as another hits and when it passes I say "About thirty minutes." He takes one of my hands and kisses my knuckles. "I'll give my boss time for him to get up and I'll let him know what's going on." he tells me and I nod. "Need to call Kim too." I tell him and he nods. "Fuck." I say as another one hits. He sits beside me and has one hand rubbing my stomach and one rubbing my lower back when we hear little feet coming down the hall. Looking up we see Abel standing there. "What's wrong Mommy?" he asks. "Looks like you might get to meet your sister today." Jax tells him and he smiles wide. He walks over and kisses my stomach and says "We can't wait to see you Maci."

It's now 7am and Jax moves to the kitchen to make the boys breakfast and to call his boss. "Abel, can you bring Mommy's phone?" I ask him and he runs to my bedroom to get it for me. When he brings it back, he kisses my cheek before heading to the kitchen. "Hello?" Kim asks as she answers. "Hey Kim. Think you can watch the boys today?" I ask. "Sure. Everything okay?" she asks. "Yeah. Been up since 4am having contractions." I tell her. "Why didn't you call me? Jake just left for work so I'll head over now." she tells me. "Thanks Kim." I say as we end the call.

A few minutes later, Kim walks in the front door and Jax is headed to take Abel to school. "I'll let the school know Kim is picking him up today." Jax tells me and I just nod as another contraction hits. He kisses the top of my head and Abel hugs me and says "Love you mama." I smile and say "Love you too sweet boy." before he heads out the door. Tommy is sitting in my lap and rubbing my stomach and feeling his sister kick. I can't seem to get comfortable. "I have to pee." I tell Kim and she takes Tommy and I stand up. Walking to the bathroom, I feel water gush between my legs and hear "Mama no." and look to see Tommy looking at me scared. "Mama's okay. Sister's coming." she tells him and he starts clapping.

About that time, Jax walks in the door and sees what's going on. "Shit. Babe?" he asks. "Yeah. Kid's coming dude. Help me get changed." I tell him and he smiles that smile I love so much before helping me to the bedroom and brings me dry clothes while he cleans up the fluid from the floor and Kim helps me get the baby's bag and mine out of the closet and to the car. I kiss Tommy goodbye and tell him to be good for Kim and she tells me that she's got the kids.

Jax helps me into the hospital and I tell him to call Mama Harper. Thirty minutes later, we are in a room and Mama walks in. "How are my girls doing?" she asks as she walks over and hugs me. "I'm good Mama. A little nervous." I tell her. "Nothing to be nervous for sweetheart. You and my granddaughter are going to be just fine." she tells me. Nine hours later we hear the sweet cries of Maci and we all have tears in our eyes. Jax walks over with the nurse to check on our daughter and mama is standing next to me. She leans down and says "He would be so proud of you. And her." I pull her into a hug and whisper "Thank you for everything."

Jax brings our daughter over and hands her to me. Looking down at her, she looks just like our boys. Jax kisses me softly and whispers "Thank you." and I can't help the tears that keep falling. An hour later, we are resting and mama has gone home for the night and Dana and Jake bring the boys in to meet their sister. "Sissy." Tommy says. "Yeah baby boy, it's sissy." Both boys spend time with her before heading home with Dana and Jake for the night. I am sitting and nursing Maci and Jax is watching us as he's sitting on the side of my bed. "What?" I ask. "Think we should facetime the guys." he tells me. "Yeah." I say. I pick up my phone and hand it to Jax. He clicks facetime and calls Chibs. "Hey brother. What's up?" he asks. "Can you get everyone together? We have something we need to tell you guys." Jax says and Chibs gets everyone in chapel. "We're all here brother. We're all gathered around." he says. Jax moves the camera around to show Maci and says "Say hello to Maci Jade Teller. Born this afternoon." and you hear everyone cheering before Happy comes on the phone. "How's Dana?" he asks. Jax hands the phone to me and I turn the camera to me and I say "I'm great Hap. Me and Maci are both perfect." I tell him. "Good babe. She's beautiful. I mailed you some things out for her and the boys. Make sure you send us plenty of pictures." he tells me. "I will Hap." I tell him and hand the phone back to Jax and he ends the call. Looking at me, he says "I love you so much Dana." I smile at him and say "I love you too Jackson." before he kisses me softly and we spend the rest of the night just watching our daughter.

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